FS Extra👣 Peace of mind and feeling calm every day

Published: Tue, 08/18/20

Stress hormones might give you a feel good buzz for the
short term, however living in a state that courses them
through your veins every day is definitely not great for
long term physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

When you regularly find yourself hitting the wall, following
frequent bouts of frantic activity, perhaps it’s time to
find ways of reducing those highs and lows, by increasing
feelings of calm and peace of mind in your day to day.

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Choose a couple of these tips and use them

They are not listed in any particular order. Just pick a
couple and run with them, then return another time to add a
couple more to your usual routines.

The list at that page is by no means comprehensive. It’s
simply a few tips to get you started on creating a state of
feeling greater peace of mind in your life.

I might occasionally return to the post and expand on the
tips or add some more.

You could help too, by leaving a comment, if you have
something that has worked for your own peace of mind and
that you believe will benefit future visitors to the page.

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