Your Weakest Link

Published: Wed, 11/11/20


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
 November 11, 2020

Your Weakest Link Angela Sannapuis, M.H.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "You're only as strong as your weakest link."? This saying not only applies to group settings but to your own body as well. Go with me on a journey. Picture a massively intricate factory that must always run in tip top shape to be able to accomplish its tasks. This factory is multileveled, has its own transportation system, blueprints, working task force, engineers, repairmen, cleanup crew, security guards, and attack force. In other words, it is its own little "mini-city" if you will. Can you imagine such a place? Well, this is an idea of the inner workings of your own body. Now, what would happen if your body naturally had a weak place, if one of these systems or parts needed extra attention in order to perform its tasks? Most of us can claim to have a very resilient body, except for maybe a part that will usually get infected first, have an issue, etc. For some this can be sinus, stomach issues, or achy ears; for me, it's always been my throat. I know that a tiny itch or vague feeling of soreness in my throat will turn into a full-blown infection in very little time. It seems every few years, that weak link in me allowed something to sneak in. 

The latest of these sneak assaults was not so much in the tonsil area but to the whole mouth. In just a short matter of time there were sores, inflammation, and just all-around pain. Thinking it might be a viral infection, I instantly turned to Echinacea. I've learned over the years; this can help the immune system better than just about anything. I gargled, switched, and swallowed-about 12 oz in 3 days’ time. Without the results I was looking for, I turned to Oregano oil, then Super Garlic Immune formula, and soothing teas. Finally, while not feeling great at all, I decided it was time for the big-time hot steam bath with Yarrow, aromatherapy, and more (my own version of Dr. Christopher’s cold sheet treatment). Sometime later, after all the sweating, my body felt better. However, the battle in the mouth continued for another 4 days. Finally, when I just didn't know what to do anymore, the Lord led me to see it was thrush. Now where this came from is a different thing altogether, perhaps my system was getting too much sweet, or perhaps I had a stressful situation a few days earlier-in either way, the environment was set and it was trying to take over. 
With a new battle plan, I pulled several books off of my shelf and found the information in Dr. Mom's book-Bayberry tea. To my family's amazement they watched 5 min after I drank the tea-I could talk to them again-I told them the fungus was running. 10 min later I told them all was going to be fine. 20 min later all the sores were better and had signs of near complete healing. 1 more cup before bed soothed everything down and I finally slept well again that evening. 

The moral of the story is even with knowledge, doing things right, taking quick action, we still are only as strong as our weakest link. To know what this link may be and focus on healing it, recovering it, and knowing how to work with it is the best thing you can do. Don't be a victim, but be educated and ready to help the weaker part when needed. By focusing on moving forward, it will help you to not be stuck in the past or the here and now. Focus on being better, not being stuck with bad luck. You have an amazing system. Work with it, not against it.
Angela Sannapuis is a Master Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Diplomate of Iridology, and a Reflexologist. She has helped family, friends, and even animals stay healthy with basic and advanced principles of health for over 15 years.

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Ginger Ale Juice

4 apples (a selection of different kinds is best)
4 stalks of celery
2 inches ginger root

Wash and cut into small pieces and send through a juicer. I use a Champion brand juicer. This has the taste of gingerale, without the carbonation. So delicious and fresh! Highly recommended! Great to increase circulation, oxygen, and electrolytes throughout the body. Makes about 2 cups of juice.

Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy
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