PERSPECTIVES: "You Are Multidimensional," "Seven Planes Meditation," and 🎈NEW SITE!🎈

Published: Mon, 01/11/16



I'm thrilled to announce my new site:

As always, I welcome feedback. ( and have been retired.) I'd really appreciate links from other sites and mentions on Facebook/Twitter. (If you have links to the old sites, please update them.)

Many thanks to Doug Foster at, and developer Elliot Sabitov, designer Jenny Vainisi, and Rosemary Serluca. They did a great job.

Some special points of interest:

On the Michael Teachings

The wonderful Caroline Ra did an extensive interview with me, using her Michael chart as a springboard for exploring the Michael teachings.

PART I or on YouTube

PART II or on YouTube

PART III or on YouTube
​Learning to Embrace What Is

The series on happiness that I ran here over the last year is now available as a Kindle book.

Spiritual Keys to Happiness

I also did an abridged version of Happiness and the Michael Teachings, eliminating technical terms to make it more universal.

It's available on Kindle and free at Smashwords.



Opening Ceremony of the Sevenoaks Michael Gathering
Channeled from Essence by Shepherd Hoodwin
April 21, 2015
Madison, Virginia
Transcribed by Bobbie Cooper

Feel your connection with earth. Notice that the very cells of your body are earth. We are not merely on the earth but we are the earth. Notice the movement of energy among all the aspects of the earth that we are. Enjoy the flow of vitality shared by all the cells of your body. Savor the aliveness that comes from Source and returns to it.

Feel how all the systems of the earth exchange vitality with one another, including your glorious body. Notice that your body is merged with the bodies of other people, especially those in your life; all it takes is a slight shift in focus. Be aware of your larger body, which finally has no end. Expand your focus to specifically include one more person, then two, then several, until you experience being the larger circle of your life.

This circle is a microcosm of the whole earth, each system effortlessly sharing its vitality with the whole. Everything is light. Solidity is a convenience; it is solid light. Notice the way that what is solid is contiguous with what has a slightly faster vibration and therefore does not appear solid to our senses. Feel into this adjacent vibration that in turn flows beautifully into a still higher vibration. Enjoy the magnificent energies of what is unseen to the eye yet still physical. Also expand your focus to enjoy what is slightly slower than the solid and therefore is not normally seen, either, the realm of the spirits of nature, for example. Open your focus wider until you experience how the slowest earth vibrations merge into the Source, the Tao. There is no separation, only different foci.

Increase your focus above to include the astral plane. Say hello to our beloved guides, teachers, and other friends in spirit who are always present. What fun it is to play with these loved ones!

A little higher still and we greet our causal plane teacher, Michael, and other teachers we may not have named. We are always one with them. Allow their presence to merge in consciousness with what we know ourselves to be.

It is delightful to notice the akashic plane, which interpenetrates all.

Blend into the brilliant overarching vision of the mental plane, which knows, truly, the perfect design of all being.

Feel the gorgeous, inspirational quality of the messianic plane, how it shares in our laughter and revels in it. Feel how those who dwell there are blessed by our beauty and love. They are not just here to help us but we are here to help them.

Revel into the pure vital energy of the buddhaic plane. As we move through it, once again we connect with the Tao. There is no separation anywhere in all of being. Feel Source pulsing through every level of self. How grand is creation that allows us to better know who we are.

Choose one area of your life that feels less integrated than you might like it to be and simply bring this knowing into that place. If you would like to feel greater unity in your body, simply be aware of unity while being aware of your body. If there is a relationship that is less unified than you would like it to be, be aware of that relationship and this unity. Allow your heart to manifest this unity to help integrate all the parts of yourself so that you better know your personal wholeness. If there is a part of you that especially needs your love, be aware of it now. Notice that you are releasing all resistance to what is. Feel deeper relaxation occurring wherever you would like that.

Bring to mind one person who could benefit from this energy and simply bring him or her to mind. Gradually expand your focus from that one person to all the people that person is connected with until it includes all people.

Know the holiness of wholeness. Experience that every person is beautiful even if their current manifestation is not yet aware of what is. Notice that in this awareness, all judgmentalness dissolves. There is only what is.

Feel all anxiety releasing. Bring to mind any other feeling that you would like to release into knowledge of wholeness. Perhaps you carry some sadness from the past; bring it into now. Perhaps you store some anger; allow that anger to play happily in this field until it becomes what it truly wants to become — pure energy. If there is any disease state in your body, kiss it with this ease. If there is any problem humanity faces that you are concerned about, hold it in this space. Feel political parties opening to harmony. Experience the environment healing. Know that consciousness is the most powerful force in the affairs of humanity. Everything, ultimately, is consciousness.

Trust that your dwelling in truth, beauty, and love is the greatest gift you can give. Take a moment. Check in with yourself. If there’s any other work or play that you would like this unity to achieve, let it happen in silence.

Michael Channeled by Shepherd Hoodwin
April 28, 2015, Part I
Bearsville, NY
Transcribed by Susan Harris

We all live in a vast multidimensional universe. Feel into your multidimensional nature. You connect with space and time in a particular way but also transcend it: You are here at a specific location yet you are present in many other locations. You are here in this time yet you are present in multiple times. Awakening, in part, is gaining an awareness of your vast nature. It is a paradox that when you come fully into the present moment, you become present in your multidimensionality.

The earth itself is a vast being that exists multidimensionally. There are facets to the earth that most human beings are not consciously aware of. However, if they were absent, the structure upon which rests everything you know would be gone.

Perhaps you are beginning to sense the earth’s depth, breadth, and height in new ways — you feel it speaking to you. You feel that you yourself are walking in more dimensions than your conscious mind can fathom. This does not in any way belittle your ordinary day-to-day existence. In fact, it exalts your everyday existence because it illuminates the fact that there is so much more to it. Every little thing is rich with meaning and importance. One can live what appears to be a mundane life doing ordinary tasks, but with a consciousness of multidimensionality, it is a beautiful experience.

One aspect of choice is what you do; another is how you do it. Many, for the moment at least, find it necessary to do work that is not what they would prefer. Perhaps eventually they can find a way to do something more to their liking. But in the meantime if they make the choice to be more present to whatever it is they are doing, if they open up their feelers to all the other things going on, they will have a richer experience even in a limited circumstance.

It is common for people to get into repetitive patterns in their lives and relationships. Boredom can set in, but it is not necessarily the fault of the relationships or the other people. If you let go of your preconceptions about them and feel into their multidimensionality, you will see them anew. You can have a new experience with people you have been engaging with for a long time.

I feel very tied to the earth and not able to see other dimensions. I haven’t had any experiential knowledge of anything other than here, and I’d like that.

You are actually a lot more plugged in to the multiverse than you realize. We recommend that you feel into it rather than approach it intellectually. Notice what is going on at the edges of your perception and be curious about them. “What am I feeling over here?” Let yourself ask questions about that and go a little deeper into it. If you do that, you will find that there has always been more there than you were engaging. Work with sensation through your body, asking it to take you into larger dimensions. Let your body lead and your mind follow. A good meditation for you would be to smell a flower and see where the scent takes you, what it opens in you. The multidimensional universe is present and you are part of it — you are already having an expanded experience. You simply need to consciously connect with it.

Your essence is your eternal nature. Some assume that if you are in essence consciousness, you will not be a very practical person — you will float on a cloud. That may be a temporary stage you go through as you disconnect from old habitual consciousness. There may be a period of reaching for the eternal at the expense of the mundane. But finally, if you follow the stages through to their fruition, you will merge consciousness of the mundane with consciousness of the eternal, and discover that they are the same thing. You were eternal all the time but didn’t realize it. Yes, of course, your body is aging, but the one looking out through your eyes is beyond time and space. The key to happiness is to realize who you are. You are at once a mundane and eternal being.

You choose to inhabit your temporal body because you are interested in the experiences they bring you. You can explore realities that are valid parts of the multidimensional universe through this fascinating vehicle. Of course, there is much difficulty in human civilization, especially at this time, and consciousness has been quite low for a long time. But even that interested you. It is not that you are a glutton for punishment. It is that as a multidimensional being, you saw underneath the difficulties into all that could be discovered about love.

When you delve deeply into what appears to be the absence of love, you find love. When you explore pain deeply enough, you find bliss. Finally, as you awaken you realize that you didn’t need to create pain to find bliss, but you also realize that pain was never what it seemed to be. Pain is ultimately always growing pain. You took on these limited bodies with limited consciousness, and as you emerge, like a mushroom growing out of a crack in a cement sidewalk, you explode the limitations. You re-emerge with greater awareness than ever before of who you are.

The goal was never to get away from the earth. The goal has always been to emerge through the earth. It is true that as you progress through the stages, you move closer to oneness with the Source. But you do this in order to have different vantage points from which to view reality. At a certain point on the physical plane, you experience the illusion of as much separateness as is possible in the universe. This is a valuable tool. As you then progress back into oneness, you keep getting a different view. Let's say you are climbing a mountain: it is exertion, but at each step you get a different view, and each view illuminates what reality is in a different way. At any point you can choose to remember that you are the whole mountain and that all views are true. The very moment you awake to this reality, you are exalted. At the same time, you are working on refining your experience of physicality in various ways — there is a wide range of opportunities for interesting explorations. 

All your trials on the physical plane are in fact intensely interesting to you. As soon as you consciously approach them that way, they cease to limit your reality. You realize that you are eternal in this very moment. If your body could benefit from some improvements, if your mind and emotions need some healing, you approach it as an eternal being who is doing some very interesting work. It becomes less difficult because you realize that you are much larger than whatever problems confront you. You can afford to relax and simply observe these situations that call upon your creativity. If you did not have problems to solve, being here would not be as interesting to you. Problems are oppressive when they are seen as larger than you, but as you remember your eternal nature, problems are never larger than you are; they are intriguing challenges. Magicians such as Harry Houdini would voluntarily put themselves in confining situations and try to figure a way out. Some people do difficult athletic tasks when they could, if they wished, stay home in their easy chair.

If you remember that you have taken on what you have because it interested you, it will change everything for you. You will begin to see a world full of eternal souls who are doing interesting things. What others are doing may not interest you. For example, some people are interested in war. You probably look at that and say, “Been there, done that.” But they are doing what they choose to do. It is possible that as more people become aware of their eternal nature, a critical mass will realize that it would be more interesting now to grow through joy rather than pain.

Growing through joy increasingly interests those on the spiritual path. There is nothing particularly wrong with the paradigm of growing through pain — that was interesting as well. It illuminated all sorts of truths for you, but as with war, you’ve been there and done that, and you are beginning to be more interested in joy and pleasure — the easier way. This is the primary paradigm shift occurring in humanity now. If you could personify humanity as one person, it is like someone who has been banging his head against a brick wall suddenly deciding it that might be more pleasant to open a door.


Ask to show yourself what would be most interesting, expansive, and illuminating for you to explore next in your life.
