[The Ripple Effect] This Week's Inspiration - Unexpected Gifts

Published: Fri, 12/19/14

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Hello ,

Welcome to this week's issue of The Ripple Effect and some inspiration for your week!

Hard to believe we are about to end 2014.  Matt and I decorated our house for Christmas last weekend and I kept thinking, “How is it already Christmas?”   I’m sure many of you can relate to that feeling.  Below is a photo of our sweet basset hound Lily asleep in front of our Christmas tree.

2014 was definitely a much different year than I anticipated.  As most of you may know, it was a year of great loss for my family and me; yet, was also a year filled with many blessings.  Many of you may also remember that at the end of 2013, I set an intention to make 2014 my year of fun. Check out my latest blog post  to see what resulted from that intention set one year ago.  Also, if you want to get 2015 off on the right path, you’ll want to join us for C3’s Vision Retreat in January. More details are included below.  Hope you can be there!

This week’s quote is a simple one; yet, it’s quite profound and resonates deeply with me as I close out 2014.  I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to pass this on to anyone you think would benefit from reading it.

Wishing you and your families a most wonderful holiday season.

Keep spreading those positive ripple effects!

Wishing you joy and success,

Have you seen our latest blog posts?

Update: My Year of Fun: Last December I was flying home from my final business trip of the year, exhausted after three months of lots of business travel and a very hectic Fall. I decided I needed to start having more fun and that 2014 was going to be my year of fun. (See my 2014 Intention blog post for all the details on this!). If you’ve been following my blog, you may remember that 2014 started out as anything but fun. We began the year with burst pipes and a frozen drain that caused lots of water damage in our finished basement (read about all that fun here: The Start of My (not so much) Fun Year). And now, looking back at how this entire year unfolded, I can tell you that dealing with the basement water issues was merely the tip of the iceberg. [Read more...]

Are you ready to get clear on your purpose, your vision, and create a plan to make that vision a reality?  Then you’ll want to join us for C3’s Vision Retreat in January.  Find all the details and registration information here.
“Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it” ~ Buddha

If you read my latest blog post then you know why this quote resonates so deeply with me.  We all have unexpected things happen in life and they are not always the easiest to deal with; however, there is always goodness to be found.  Even in the deepest suffering and most difficult of times, there are blessings.  Our opportunity is to notice them.  They are always there; we just need look for and be aware of them.  This quote by Buddha also reminds me of the saying: every day isn’t always good but there is something good in every day. This past year has been my living proof of both that saying and the quote by Buddha. I am thankful for the awareness I had to appreciate the blessings that were around my family and me during a most difficult year.  My wish for you is the same: find the blessings in every day. 

All the best to you as you close out 2014 and step into a new year!