[The Ripple Effect] This Week's Inspiration - Authenticity

Published: Fri, 02/20/15

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Hello ,

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Ripple Effect and some inspiration for your week. 

There’s been a theme of authenticity around C3 lately.  I’ve been working with several clients on what it means for them to truly be their authentic selves so wanted to make that the focus of this week’s Ripple Effect. I thought it was only appropriate to share a photo of me demonstrating my own authenticity while speaking at a Women’s Conference last week. Not only was I sharing my story of some things I did to get “unstuck” and reinvent my life but I was also in full “Andria talking with her hands” mode, as you can see in the photo.  Sharing our stories and acting as our true selves are just a couple of ways to demonstrate authenticity.  
This week’s quote continues on with this topic of authenticity (last week’s blog post is also about how to more fully embracing bringing more of who you are into what you do).  One of the ways to begin being more comfortable with sharing your authenticity is to increase your self-confidence. If you want to stop doubting yourself and let go of some of your insecurities, please join us for a complimentary 21-Day Self-Confidence Challenge. Details below! 

I hope you enjoy this week's quote and feel free to pass it along to anyone who may benefit from reading it.

Keep spreading those positive ripple effects!

Wishing you joy and success,

Check out our latest blog post:

How to Honor and Live Your True Authenticity: I’ve written about the topic of authenticity before – how to be an authentic leader, sharing your authentic story, and several other posts related to this idea of being authentic in all areas of life. Yet, here I am writing about it again because I find it to be something many of my clients struggle with (and something I too find difficult at times). We often don’t feel comfortable being who we truly are and allowing that part of us to shine through because we worry about what others will think.  There are four ways I’ve found to honor and live your true authenticity. [Read more...]
Ready To Make Some Positive Life Changes?

•    Are you tired of second-guessing and doubting yourself and your decisions?
•    Do you want to approach each day feeling assured and confident about what you’re doing?
•    Are you ready to step into being the confident, beautiful, self-assured person you truly        are?

Then join us for our complimentary 21-Day Self-Confidence Challenge. Each day you will receive an email message with a short exercise or tip on how to increase your self-confidence
The challenge begins as soon as you sign up – join us here!

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen."
~ Brené Brown

I love how Brené Brown talks about authenticity being a choice.  Just as we choose what we’re going to wear every day, we choose how we show up and how we behave. Personally I find it much easier to simply be me, rather than trying to be someone I’m not or be someone others want or expect me to be. The fact is being you is all others really want. Think about it - the best leaders are those who are most real and most authentic. The people we look up to and admire are those who are most authentic. What the world needs is each of us to show up as our unique self – the persons we were created to be…quirks and all!

This week’s inspirational activity:  How can you bring more of your true self into everything you do?  If you’re feeling a bit insecure about this, sign up for C3's complimentary 21-Day Self Confidence Challenge. After you go through these 21 days of quick tips and exercises, I guarantee you’re confidence will be on an upward trend!