[The Ripple Effect] This Week's Inspiration - Take Care Of You

Published: Fri, 04/17/15

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Hello ,

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Ripple Effect and some inspiration for your week. 

Last week I was in San Francisco and spent a day with two of my mentors, Lissa Rankin and Anne Davin. Some of you might be familiar with Lissa and her books, Mind over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself and The Fear Cure: Cultivating Courage As Medicine For The Body, Mind, And Soul.  Although both Anne and Lissa are well known for many things, to me they are spiritual teachers and mentors and are supporting me on my own spiritual and personal development journey.  Spending the day with them in San Francisco was uplifting, enlightening, and almost hard to put into words. They are amazing women who I am honored to be working with this year. Below are some photos of the great views I had from my hotel as well as a photo of Lissa and me. 
One thing Lissa and I spent a lot of time talking about was radical self-care and self- compassion. As most of you know, taking care of oneself is something I’m vocal about with my clients and in my writing.   Truth be told, I’m not always great at doing it for myself and need to be reminded how critical it is to take care of myself, to rest, and to have compassion for myself; just as I do with my clients and loved ones.

I chose this week’s quote because I think it speaks further to the topic of taking time to nurture and care for ourselves – it was a great reminder for me and I hope it will be for you too. 

Feel free to pass this along to anyone who may benefit from reading it. Keep spreading those positive ripple effects!

Wishing you joy and success,

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Upcoming Heart Link Network Luncheon
Northern VA ladies:  if you’re interested in surrounding yourselves with a group of supportive, generous, kind, fun, professional women, please come experience the Warrenton, VA Heart Link group.  Our next event will be on Wednesday, May 13 at 11:30AM.  I encourage you to sign up early as our events fill quickly.  More information and registration details can be found at: Warrenton Heart Link Chapter
“It’s the rest in a piece of music that gives it resonance and shape.”
 ~ Pico Iyer, The Art Of Stillness

Until I read this quote, I never thought much about of how the resting and pausing in a piece of music impacts its quality and vibration.  The same holds true for us.  When we rest we are adding to our own resonance and the quality of our lives.  Even though it might not feel like it, the time we take to pause and consciously stop “doing” are often more productive than when we’re busy taking lots of action.  It’s when we rest that ideas and inspiration come more freely to us because we’ve created space for them. Just like with a piece of music, the rest that we give ourselves will add greatly to the quality and shape of our lives.

This week’s inspirational activity:  How often do you take time to rest, recharge, and give yourself care?  I’m not talking about taking a vacation (although that’s definitely one way to do it) but regular intervals of time when you are not “doing” but are simply “being”.   Try to add some purposeful and conscious rest and pause-time into your days and weeks and see how it impacts the quality of your life.  My guess is the impact will be a positive one.

"Andria Corso is the founder of C3 Coaching and Consulting, a life, personal development & leadership coaching firm.  C3's mission is to help you change the way you think about your life and what's possible for you.  C3 helps you create and achieve whole-life success.   Read more about C3 here or contact us to find out how we can help you reach your greatest success - in all areas of your life. 

Contact information: Andria L. Corso ~ 888-432-4245

[email protected]

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