[The Ripple Effect] This Week's Inspiration - Self Leadership

Published: Fri, 05/01/15

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Hello ,

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Ripple Effect and some inspiration for your week. 

I spent the past week coaching a wonderful group of emerging leaders. I’ve been supporting this particular client by coaching their leaders through an emerging leadership development program for the past several years.  The focus of the week is on self-leadership, which is clearly a critical aspect of being able to lead others. It all starts with the individual. Being able to successfully lead oneself in all areas of one’s life is a great precursor to being able to successfully lead others. 

At the end of each week, we take group photos and although the photo below wasn’t of my group this past week, (it was one of my groups last year) I chose to share this picture because it’s one of my favorite photos that captures the essence of what most leaders want to remember at the conclusion of the program when they return home: the good energy and introspective time they spent all week focusing on themselves. They recognize that by carrying that energy back home with them, it spreads not only to those they lead but also to anyone else around them.
I chose this week’s quote because it speaks further about what great leadership is.

Feel free to pass this along to anyone who may benefit from reading it. Keep spreading those positive ripple effects!

Wishing you joy and success,

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“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence” ~Sheryl Sandberg

As I mentioned above, the good energy created by my clients during the weeklong leadership development program is something they all want to take home with them. They know that when they feel positive and energized about their life and the decisions they’re making, their good energy impacts those they lead.  As Sheryl Sandberg says, this is a big piece of great leadership.  As a leader, everything you do impacts your team. You want to have positive influence and lift them up so they can shine and reach their greatest potential. The only way to do this is to begin with yourself; lead yourself and your life in such a way that it supports your own growth and development, so that you can shine and reach your greatest potential. When you do this, you lead by example and have that positive impact on your team that, as Sheryl Sandberg says, will last even in your absence.

This week’s inspirational activity:  What type of impact are you having on your team? Have you taken time to focus on leading your own life in a way that supports your growth and development?  If not, take time for a bit of self-leadership and begin making decisions that enable you to live and lead your life in a way that reflects what’s best for you. Once you do this, you will inspire those around you to be better, to grow, and to shine because they’re following your example. 

"Andria Corso is the founder of C3 Coaching and Consulting, a life, personal development & leadership coaching firm.  C3's mission is to help you change the way you think about your life and what's possible for you.  C3 helps you create and achieve whole-life success.   Read more about C3 here or contact us to find out how we can help you reach your greatest success - in all areas of your life. 

Contact information: Andria L. Corso ~ 888-432-4245

[email protected]

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