[The Ripple Effect] - The Evolution Continues

Published: Fri, 10/30/15

Hello ,

Welcome to another edition of The Ripple Effect.

As most of you know I’ve spent the past several months taking a writing sabbatical to not only work on my latest book but also take time to heal, grieve, and reset myself after a year of so much loss for me in 2014.  

The big news is the book is finished and was just sent off for a first editorial assessment last week. It is titled Fear to Flow: How To Let Go Of Your Struggle And Allow Life To Unfold Perfectly.  The targeted release date is May 2016.  The book is the story of my journey from living life from a fear-based place to living in the Divine authentic natural rhythm of my life – what I call Flow. As excited as I am to get the book complete and out there, it was hard to release it because I wrote it from a place deep in my heart and soul. Sharing it feels very vulnerable. Yet, I believe my message and story will help and inspire many people, which is why I wrote it.  In case you missed the latest blog post I wrote about my sabbatical and the year of healing and writing I experienced since my Dad passed away last September, I’ve included a link to it below.  

After you read it I think you’ll understand why I chose the following quote to share and inspire you with this week:

“It’s in that space -where we aren’t masking ourselves, or trying to make circumstances go away- that our best qualities begin to shine” ~ Pema Chödrön

Wishing You Joy and Success,

Ah yes, life changing journeys… it seems I find myself in one every 5-7 years or so; perhaps even more frequently than that but the big ones, the total overhauls, they stand out as once every 5-7 years. I wonder if this is normal…? Does everyone go through big life changes once or twice a decade? Or is this just part of my passage through this lifetime? I might have to do some research on that….

The journey I’ve been on this past year since my Dad died has been one of huge personal and spiritual growth – a journey I never intended to take but was forced upon me when my foundation literally fell away from me after my Dad died. I had every bit of my identity wrapped up in him and in his approval. He was my anchor and my foundation. Yes, I was the 10, 20, 30, 40-something year old who did everything (somewhat subconsciously) for her Dad’s approval. (As I write that I wonder if I should be embarrassed? Are there others who are in their 40s and make life decisions from the perspective of “what will Daddy think?” or am I the only one…?)

When he died and that foundation fell away I was forced to create my own identity and rebuild my foundation. I was forced to re-create Andria. What I discovered was she had been trying to be born for most of my adult life. I hid her and all she loved and hated in an attempt to fit in, to do what I believed I should, to ensure I was following not only the rules of society but the guidelines my Dad had set out for me via his example of the way he lived life. I discovered that in the process of hiding my true self, I lived my adult life based in fear – fear of failing, fear of being rejected, fear of being disapproved of, fear of being judged, fear of losing someone I loved, fear of losing control, and the list goes on. The false fears based on false beliefs I developed over the course of my lifetime were ruling my life. [Read more...]
Heart Link Network Luncheon
Northern VA ladies:  if you’re interested in surrounding yourselves with a group of supportive, generous, kind, fun, professional women, please come experience the Warrenton, VA Heart Link group.  Our next event will be on Tuesday, November 10 at 11:30AM.  I encourage you to sign up early as our events fill quickly.  More information and registration details can be found at: Warrenton Hearth Link Chapter
2016 Vision Retreat: Hold the date! Our 2016 Vision Retreat will be on Friday, January 22, 2016.  More info and details will be in our next newsletter!  Our two 2015 vision retreats sold out in one week so if you're interested in starting 2016 off with clarity around your vision for the year and a plan on how to achieve it, you don't want to miss this retreat.  Hold the date in your calendar and, if you'd like an advance email sent as soon as registration opens please send an email to: [email protected] and let us know — we will add you to the list and send you early registration details so you can secure your spot!

"Andria Corso is the founder of C3 Coaching and Consulting, a life, personal development & leadership coaching firm.  C3's mission is to help you change the way you think about your life and what's possible for you.  C3 helps you create and achieve whole-life success.   Read more about C3 here or contact us to find out how we can help you reach your greatest success - in all areas of your life. 

Contact information: Andria L. Corso ~ 888-432-4245

[email protected]

 Connect with Andria & C3 at: