[The Ripple Effect] This Week's Inspiration - Listen To Yourself

Published: Fri, 06/26/15

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Hello ,

Welcome to this week’s issue of The Ripple Effect and some inspiration for your week. 

This week’s edition is slightly different than past ones.  I’m linking you to a blog post that shares most of the information I would normally put in The Ripple Effect, including the quote.

Those of you who follow C3's blog may have seen last week's blog post about me Heeding My Own Advice. For those of you who missed it, it begins below and you can read the full post via the various links included.  The post is about a nudge from The Universe I’ve been getting (and ignoring) for the past year, until now.  I am finally going to heed my own advice, honor that internal nudge, and take a writing sabbatical to complete my next book.  I explain it all in full detail in the blog post.  What this means is The Ripple Effect will be on a hiatus for the next few months.  I may send a few out as I tend to come across quotes and inspirational thoughts that I love to share with you all but they won’t come in regular intervals as the currently do, at least for the next couple of months. I will also be blogging about my experience, as inspired, so I encourage you to follow the blog. You can sign up to do that on the right hand side of our blog page.

The quote that is included with last week's blog, which I hope inspires you today is:

“Listen to your own voice, your own soul. Too many people listen to the noise of the world instead of listening to themselves.”   ~ Unknown

After you read the blog post, I think you’ll understand why this quote resonates so deeply with me.  I hope it inspires you to pay attention to and heed the calls of your inner voice – it will never steer you wrong. 

You can access the full blog post here:

It's Time To Heed My Own Advice: Looking back at many of my blog posts, there seem to be themes that I write about: self-care, authenticity, paying attention to your gut and the internal nudges, and not waiting for the time to be perfect to pay attention to those nudges (because chances are it won’t ever be perfect). Most of you probably recognize those as recurring themes that not only run through my blog posts but also through the work I do with my clients. Truth be told, I don’t always take my own advice and honor my own needs or internal nudges. I try to practice what I preach but sometimes I fall short. [Read more...]

Wishing You Joy and Success,

"Andria Corso is the founder of C3 Coaching and Consulting, a life, personal development & leadership coaching firm.  C3's mission is to help you change the way you think about your life and what's possible for you.  C3 helps you create and achieve whole-life success.   Read more about C3 here or contact us to find out how we can help you reach your greatest success - in all areas of your life. 

Contact information: Andria L. Corso ~ 888-432-4245

[email protected]

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