5'2 & 155 to 97 & Greek Goddess! • Swelling up on Salted Foods?

Published: Sun, 03/25/12

FOR 4livefoodfactorfriends! -- ON MARCH 25th, 2012
Spring Seasonings 4 Ya'll!
The Wilderness Woman
& The HighJOY Horse!

The Howling Wolves' Den = just off back deck
The Eagle's Nest = just off the library
The Critters' Forest = the entire upstairs floor


DEER livefoodfactorfriends!
I am spending the weekend making the 5 flavorings of The GetWell*StayWell, America! Seasonings: GROUND VITTLES * VEGGIE VOLT! * TOMATO BOLT! * GINGER JOLT! * INSTEAD OF COFFEE! and the brand-new flavor: SWEET, TART & SODIUM-RICH -- INSTEAD OF SODIUM-CHLORIDE! But you can just call it "INSTEAD OF SALT." I have also spent the weekend thinking of all my stories about Health Seekers hooked on the toxic table salt and other seasonings that so overpowered their palates that the seasonings were all that they could taste! Today, I want to invite you to order any of my now 6 flavors of seasonings that are all made of all-raw veggies and mild herbs. But first, "A SHORT, SALTY ASIDE" and "ONE REALLY GOOD, SALTY STORY!"

A SHORT, SALTY ASIDE: A January 2012 guest at The Guesthouse finished her short fast and demanded, upon breaking it, that I serve her "table salt" or "sea salt" or "Himalayan salt" or "Celtic salt "or whatever else you want to call the inorganic sodium-chloride that comes in crystals and is very salty to the taste. Having researched for and written the definitive Natural Hygiene statement of why sodium-chloride is toxic to the human body in THE SALT CONSPIRACY, I was not about to bring table salt in whatever form onto the property for anyone! But I did go out for a day to search in the health food store and to come back to Our Hygiene Homestead in The Woods with 2 little jars, just for her. They held ground-up sea veggies dulse and kelp. These are so rich in naturally occurring sodium that I thought these 2 flavors would please her SAD salt-cravings. And they did.
Like many, this woman had a lifetime of overseasoning everything. For a meal one of the nights before her fast, she put so much garlic into a recipe we shared that I could taste nothing but the garlic! It was more garlic than I had eaten in my entire life! I tasted that overdose of garlic for 2 days! For her? It was just her routine way of eating. Well, this was the grain of salt that broke the camel's back for me! I decided to make a seasoning for Health Seekers who wanted "something salty" but that contained no sodium-chloride, something tasty whereby the sodium content was high enough to taste saltier than most seasonings but which contained no sodium-chloride. I had listened to enough guests who were addicted to sodium-chloride beg for a saltier-tasting seasoning than the 5 I had been offering for years. And I had turned a deaf ear to them. This was mainly because I had watched so many GetWell Friends through our hard-copy mailings and guests through Our Hygiene Homestead being so happy with our  5 flavors that I never paid attention to the occasional one who would ask for "something saltier." My 5 flavors have been such hits! I have seen 2 happy guests cart off $1,000 in seasonings! And it is not uncommon for a GetWell Friend through our hard-copy mailings to order $200 and $300 or more worth of my 5 flavors! But this January guest did wake me up to all the times I had told the occasional inquirer: "These 5 flavors are it!" To cut to the chase: I have now developed  SWEET, TART & SODIUM-RICH -- INSTEAD OF SODIUM-CHLORIDE! for ya'll! But you can just call it "INSTEAD OF SALT!" Here are the ingredients: SWEET corn, peas & carrot; TART tomato, onion & dill &
SODIUM-RICH celery, sea veggies, spinach & parsley.
"The Dee Marshall Story," found in THE NATURAL WEIGHT-LOSS SYSTEM & originally taken
from a taped interview by Victoria BidWell 
& published by T.C. Fry in 1984.

DEE: I found myself weighing 155 pounds at 41 years old. On a 5' & 1/2" frame, that's "weight" too much! Today at age 42, I'm still the same height. But my weight is 103... and everything in my life is better, no matter how you look at it.

Many years ago, at age 17, I became pregnant and gained weight. Like a good, little girl, I went to the medical doctor who prescribed what are loosely called "diet pills." Actually, they were amphetamines -- or "speed" -- and highly addictive, no matter their name or whom they come by. From that time on and for the rest of my life, until last year, I took diet pills to keep my weight down. I would "pop" the pills and "drop the fat." It was "The Pop & Drop Diet." Each time I would stop the pills because they "wired" me so tight that I could not get a good night's rest without sleeping pills. Then, without the diet pills, I would gain. I was a human yo-yo: up and down, up and down!

By the time I was 31, I had to go heavy on the diet pills to keep my weight down; so I took 2 a day and sleeping pills every night. I stayed at 106 for 5 years, using uppers and downers. I was so high all the time, I would have put The Flying Nun to shame! In 1980, I knew I was headed for a crash. I had to get off the pills. And sure enough, I gained. But I promised never to go back to those medically prescribed "Black Beauties" again. I realized I had been hooked. Quitting wasn't easy.

In 1981, my break came. I learned about THE NATURAL WEIGHT-LOSS SYSTEM. Instinctively, I knew it held all the answers to sanity and a normal weight... but, I wasn't totally ready. I continued over-eating and gained -- up to 136. I tried fasting alone. That just did not work. PERIOD. Understand, that by this time, I had followed innumerable diets and reducing programs. Then in May, 1983, I registered at The California Health Sanctuary near Hollister, California. In no way was it a "fat farm." It was a place where many sick people could come for Natural Hygiene healing from many diseases. After fasting 26 days on pure water-only, I weighed 117 pounds.

I ate a proper period on the all-raw-food vegetarian plan. Upon returning home, everything went okay for awhile. Then, the stress factors in my life began to build until they overwhelmed me -- up to 155. That did it. I had had enough! I surrendered my problems to God and to THE NATURAL WEIGHT-LOSS SYSTEM. I ate the natural diet of fruits, nuts and seeds, and vegetables. My fat "melted" -- down to 115. I returned to The California Health Sanctuary in February of 1984 where I lived in my own trailer and worked at the retreat. After a few months of work on the grounds, I earned myself a 21 fast under the assistance of the Director Art Andrews. I reached a petite 97 pounds. My weight now holds around 100 pounds. It is wonderful to be healthy, which in my case means "being thin as well as having my food problem under control." For the first time since I picked up over-eating at age 17, I began to feel "normal about food."

I owe my success to Natural Hygiene -- plus to my participation in a spiritual program of 12 steps specifically aimed at persons with compulsive personalities. Now, with my new-found knowledge and experience, I can stay healthy and trim. I must, however, care for myself... one day at a time. I must also willingly seek and accept the support available to me from others and from God. It is available for you, too, no matter what your weight or how hopeful or hopeless your situation may seem. That help is called "THE NATURAL WEIGHT-LOSS SYSTEM."

VICTORIA TAKES THE LEAD IN THIS STORY: THE NATURAL WEIGHT-LOSS SYSTEM is built around 26 Success Stories with "BEFORE" and "AFTER" pictures that are absolutely phenomenal! Every Health Seeker featured undertook a fairly long fast at Art Andrews' or T.C. Fry's retreats. For instance, Dee's "BEFORE" picture shows her decidedly middle-aged, fat, and frumpy, looking like the typical grandmother who had long ago given up on looking or feeling youthful -- let alone sexy! Her "AFTER" picture is taken outdoors in summer woodlands. She is barefoot. She is wearing a Greek toga draped over one shoulder and a slit opens up the side of the tunic to her mid-thigh. Her long, lush, brown hair is coiffed all to one side. She looks like a Greecian Goddess! I wrote the course for T.C. Fry back in the 1980s. It is a 500-page work in a 3-ring notebook with 26 lessons, 26 "Success, at Last!" stories, scientific studies, letters with questions answered, and of course, live food recipes!

Lesson 1:   The Ideal Diet and Criteria of an Ideal Food
Lesson 2:   Behavior Modification for Sane Eating Habits
Lesson 3:   Toxemia -- The Basic Cause of Disease
Lesson 4:   The True Human Dietetic Character
Lesson 5:   Beware of The Standard American Diet (Part I)
Lesson 6:   Beware of The Standard American Diet (Part II)
Lesson 7:   The Complete Food Combining Guide
Lesson 8:   Setting Goals for Your Highest Health Potential
Lesson 9:   Strategies for Self-Correction without Self-Guilt
Lesson 10:  Taming The Compulsive Personality
Lesson 11:  Exercise as The Fine Art of Positive Addiction
Lesson 12:  True Hunger VS. The Jaded Appetite
Lesson 13:  Detoxification and Retoxification
Lesson 14:  Fasting for Total Health
Lesson 15:  Fasting for Permanent Weight-Loss
Lesson 16:  Setting Up The Live-Food, Ideal Food Kitchen
Lesson 17:  The "Killinary" Art ...or... The Evils of Cooking
Lesson 18:  The Corruption of Our Food by The Food Giants
Lesson 19:  The Health Hazards of SAD Obesity (Part I)
Lesson 20:  The Health Hazards of SAD Obesity (Part II)
Lesson 21:  SAD-SAP Exorbitance VS. Hygiene Economics
Lesson 22:  Natural Weight-Loss System: More than a Diet!
Lesson 23:  Lower Your Setpoint with Disciplined Exercise
Lesson 24:  Calories Don't Count ...but...
Lesson 25:  Self Honesty VS. Self-Rationalization
Lesson 26:  Sharing Your Success: The Attitude of Gratitude

"Now, pray tell," you may ask, "What has Dee's story got to do with seasonings -- salted or otherwise?"

Well, I did get to know Dee really well back there at The California Health Sanctuary. She even co-drew The Fruit & Vegetable Lovers' Coloring Book with me. Now, let me tell you the rest of the story!

It was 2 days into the break fast. Dee had fasted in her trailer in the barn, instead of taking one of the 10 beds in the main house which drew in $350 a week. We who lived and worked at The Sanctuary did not move into the main house to do our free fasts. We fasted in our workers' quarters. We broke our fasts in our workers' quarters. We were on our own when breaking. So, I went out to chit-chat with Dee on the second night of breaking her fast. She came to the door of her trailer, looked down at me. And I gasped! Her face was swollen up round, like she was on cortisone shots! She had to pry her eyelids open in order to see out of them! Her hands were so swollen she could hardly make a fist! I was horrified! "MY GOD! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU!" I blurted out. My first thought was that a swarm of killer bees had had their way with her!

Come to find out, she had cooked up some cabbage (something she should have never had 2 days after breaking a long fast) and smothered the cabbage in Bragg's Amino Acids (something she should never have even had on hand)! It took just minutes to get into this horrifying condition! If you have ever tried the stuff, you know exactly how salty it tastes. It took 5 days of fasting on water-only for the swelling to go down and for her to return to "The Greek Goddess" -- now much wiser than before.

I have been offering The GetWell*StayWell, America! Seasonings since 1990. T.C. Fry started with 3 flavors in smallish, plastic bottles. Then he passed on. Two others took over the seasonings since then and have since passed on. I have carried on with the seasonings, changing the recipes and the names, putting them in glass jars. And have not passed on! Let me know if I can get some out to you! I promise, you will not swell up using these in your recipes. Your satisfaction is my guarantee! Here they are:
The GetWell*StayWell, America! Seasonings

ITEM #1: 1 PACKED-TIGHT, GLASS QUART JAR WITH A RUBBER-SEAL LID: 1.25 POUNDS OF POWDERS: TOMATO BOLT! INGREDIENTS: RAW, dried & powdered tomato, beet, parsley & onion, parsley flakes & celery flakes, dill, sweet basil, $45 postpaid in The USA
ITEM #2: 1 PACKED-TIGHT, GLASS QUART JAR WITH RUBBER-SEAL LID: 1.25 POUNDS OF POWDERS: GINGER JOLT! INGREDIENTS: raw, dried & powdered tomato, onion, parsley, beet & ginger, parsley flakes & celery flakes, dill, sweet basil, $45 postpaid in The USA 

ITEM #3: 1 PACKED-TIGHT, GLASS QUART JAR WITH A RUBBER-SEAL LID: 1.25 POUNDS OF POWDERS: INSTEAD OF COFFEE! INGREDIENTS: RAW, dried & powdered tomato, beet, parsley & onion, $45 postpaid in The USA   
ITEM #4: 1 PACKED-TIGHT, GLASS QUART JAR WITH A RUBBER-SEAL LID: 1.25 POUNDS OF POWDERS: VEGGIE VOLT! INGREDIENTS: RAW, dried & powdered carrot, tomato, spinach & onion, parsley flakes & celery flakes, sweet basil, $45 postpaid in The USA

  • BRAND-NEW! ITEM #5: 1 PACKED-TIGHT, GLASS QUART JAR WITH A RUBBER-SEAL LID: 1.25 POUNDS OF RAW, DRIED POWDERS: SWEET, TART & NATURALLY SODIUM-RICH -- INSTEAD OF SODIUM-CHLORIDE! INGREDIENTS: sodium-rich celery, sea veggies, spinach & parsley; sweet corn, peas & carrot; & tart tomato, onion & dill, $45 postpaid in The USA
    ITEM #8... PACKED-TIGHT 1/2 GALLON FREEZER CONTAINERS: VICTORY VEGGIE VITTLES: ALL-RAW & dried & flash-freeze-dried veggies: Celery Rib Pieces & Leaves * Sweet Carrots in 3/8" Dices H Sweet Peas * Green Cabbage in Small Slices * Sweet, Yummy Corn Kernels * Parsley Flakes * Red & Green Bell Peppers in 3/8" Dices * Spinach Flakes * Tomato Flakes & Slices * Green Beans in 1/2" cuts * A Tiny Amount of Onion Flakes *
    4 LBS. VICTORY VEGGIE VITTLES: $110 postpaid The USA 


  • 178... Victoria's Contribution to this Dr. Tilden Epigram: The natural tendency of all diseases in progress is toward recovery if The Health Seeker will but remove the causes of disease and provide the conditions for health. But this tendency is obstructed by the ordinary and prevailing practice of orthodox medicine.
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