A New Movie Showing Off 34 Health Seekers Satisfied by Natural Hygiene!

Published: Thu, 03/29/12

Deer livefoodfactorfriends!
From Your Wilderness Woman & The HighJOY Horse!
It was early in my workday. I was in the garage at The HighJoy Homestead, with my head in the freezer. I was in hot pursuit of the cool taste of summer, searching for a bottle of raspberries made into fresh juice within hours of a July 2011 day picking. But then, I got sidetracked by the 3 boxes of Dr. Vetrano's audio tape albums I knew she wanted me to return someday. Yes, while The health4thebillions Room in the house is all new on every surface and the 1,000 titles of copyright-free and copyright-expired books are all categorized and shelved and waiting for funds to appear for scanning and posting at www.health4thebillions.org, I have at least 30 big boxes of loose papers, miscellaneous magazines, personal letters and notes, and unpublished writings by Dr. Shelton and Dr. Vetrano and a few Natural Hygiene audio tapes and VHS tapes hidden among all the papers in all the boxes. I decided to look through the 3 boxes destined to be returned to Dr. V. I did find a few interesting videos that could go to The Guesthouse. "That's nice," I mused. And then I found one VHS clearly marked: "LIFE'S GREATEST ADVENTURE!" I stammered outloud: "OH, MY GOD! Could there possibly be 2 old VHS tapes with this title?" Some of you who have heard of this movie are already thinking: "OH, MY GOD!" right now, too!
I had heard that Jack Dunn Trop who, back in the mid-1950s, had made a 1-of-a-kind, memorable, inspirational, useful, entertaining movie with this very title! I had never seen it, had never even heard of someone who had one. I truly do feel like your Natural Hygiene Archeologist at times like this! I WAS SO EXCITED! I completely ignored HighJoy waiting for his usual carrot handout as I hurried into my frontierwoman bedroom. I climbed up onto the bunkbed, fell into the pillows, and popped the VHS in, and -- YES! Within moments, I knew that I had discovered the long-lost artifact! I went about the next few hours of daylight doing my work, totally distracted and anxious to end my night with LIFE'S GREATEST ADVENTURE! And then, to write this letter to you all!
Although I never met Jack Dunn Trop, I never met Dr. Shelton, either. And still, I am touched and honored to carry this movie's message to the masses and thereby fulfill this Jack's clearly stated dream:
"Television is the most powerful medium for reaching the mind of man [and woman]. What a blessing it would be if more people could see the facts we have presented to Rose and Sheldon in this documentary!" Jack Dunn Trop

THE GREATEST ADVENTURE! is dedicated to these pioneering men: Dr. Russel Thacker Trall, M.D., Dr. Issac Jennings, M.D., Sylvester Graham, D.D. And "Grateful Acknowledgment" is made to the American Natural Hygiene Society and the Temperance Society for their co-operation to use certain scenes. Unlike all the 15 informational documentary recent releases to come in this mailing, THE GREATEST ADVENTURE! is made by a disciplined Natural Hygienist with many years of experience and is, therefore, Hygienically correct in all aspects. If you were to get just 1 info documentary this year, I would wish you to have... THE GREATEST ADVENTURE!

Although no date is given, the newest car I spied was a '54 Buick. My Father Victor Bidwell worked for the Buick garage before starting his repair shop and, in 1954, towed home a totalled '54 Buick and restored it in his garage. So although we were not rich, my mother Marie drove around a brand-new car! Now, the movie has a light tint on the reddish, pinkish, yellowish, orange-ish side of the spectrum, probably had this tint the day it was made. To me? It only adds to its charm. You will see 1950s' cars, clothes, furniture, billboards -- the works! You will see the opening info exposing what we now call "The Standard American Diet" and the deplorable statistics on sick Americans and the ruination going on of natural beauty and the exploitation of our natural resources. It is still going on 58 years later, ONLY NOW? THINGS ARE MUCH WORSE! Although the movie is 1950s-dated, its message is all the more true and the power with which its message is conveyed is all the more hopeful today than the day the film came out!
You can tell that Jack Dunn Trop put a lot of thought into making this a most unique movie: it tells a true story of a sick and tired married couple while backing up their human interest story with 33 others and presenting a full-spectrum view of Natural Hygiene as the best way to get well and stay well known to humankind! THIS IS GOOD WORK! WELL-DONE! Jack done tramped through all 10 Energy Enhancers with 1 story of 1 couple and has backed up their success story with 33 others!  Biblical allusions are made. You will see a few seconds of Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. William Esser, Dr. Gian-Cursio, and Hereward Carrington! You will be taken back and forth across America to the actual homes, ranches, offices, playgrounds, and gardens of these 34 single persons or married couples.  Except for the early scenes depicting the hideousness of civilization-gone-wrong, you will continually see the back-to-nature theme flow throughout the movie with animals, orchards, mountains, rivers, woodsy trails, and ocean shores. Uplifting background melodies flows through the Natural Hygiene settings and danger music through the maelstrom of SAD food and pollution shots. No one is interviewed: but the narrator keeps the movie moving with... KABOOM! KABOOM! KU-KU-KACHEW! clips of 34 Health Seekers satisfied! The 34 individuals or couples are complemented by close-ups of their 1 to 7 children.
In fact, dozens of smiling, energetic, rosy-cheeked children -- just glowing with health  -- are captured on camera for posterity that it is safe to say: "HERE IS A MOVIE FOR ALL WHO LOVE CHILDREN AND FOR ALL WANT TO SEE ALL CHILDREN GROW UP TO MEET THEIR HIGHEST HEALTH POTENTIALS!" Jack must have also loved horses for their noble spirit and sleek beauty, since he filmed a goodly number of children at play with horses! Suffice it to say: "The format Jack done trampled out before us packs a lot of info and a lot of stories and a lot of children and a lot of back-to-nature into this one-of-a-kind Natural Hygiene documentary!"
NOW -- FOR THE TRUE-STORY PLOT! You could have started with any of the people you all know who are so tired and getting sick on The Standard American Program (SAP) -- you know, the people you talk to me about or write to me about who are SAD-SAPping themselves to death and who just won't listen to all your talk about live-foods? Well, that was Rose and Sheldon! Rose and Sheldon are in their mid-30s. Sheldon is sick with severe colitis and psoriasis that "itches like the devil!" He has failing eyesight, falling out hair, and rotting out teeth. He is 60 pounds overweight, he is always tired, and he wakes up in the morning to a taste in his mouth "like the wrath of God!" Sound familiar? He and Rose are sad. They cannot conceive. They spend hobby time lavishing attention on a parakeet named "Pluto" and the fish in the aquarium, all the while yearning for a child to call their own.
Then along comes Jack, done tromping onto the scene! OUR HERO! He introduces Rose and Sheldon to us and shows off their SAD lifestyle in detail -- especially at their breakfast and dining table. You all know how these people eat! It is horrendous! They are the poster adults for all our loved ones who turn deaf ears to our live-food encouragements.
Sheldon and Rose are both busy building the diseases they have and will be getting if they do not change their unnatural ways. Next, over a period of a year, Jack teaches them all about Natural Hygiene. AND -- YOU GUESSED IT! Sheldon slims down and gets well! The movie ends happily ever after -- with Sheldon virile and vigorous and Rose filling out a maternity smock in all her glory, strolling amid orchard blossoms! Throughout the movie, we meet 3 other couples who endured sterility until they, too, turned to Natural Hygiene. All conceived successfully and show off their healthy children!
It must be emphasized that none of this goodness happened to Sheldon and Rose without effort. And here is the power in this movie to move mountains! Sheldon had not read a book since high school. He is shown early in the game building a bookcase and putting a very few books on it. By the end of the movie, the bookcase of 3 long shelves is full -- of the old titles with the fancy bindings I know so well from digging through The Dr. Vetrano Library gifted to me in 2009! CHANGE IS GOING TO REQUIRE SELF-EDUCATION! Because the storyline is so good, I urge you all to get this movie made for Health Seekers on order for when it is ready in May. Maybe the movie, shown to your SAD-SAPping Friends, will get through when you could not! I end with just one of the many thought-provoking quotes:
"The parent animals of every species have no doubts about what food is right for their own offspring. It is The Great Paradox of Civilized Humanity & Tragedy that...
The only ones in doubt about their place in nature and how to care best for their young are 20th century man and woman! We must get back-to-nature and to our natural needs for a healthy life!"
I will send you the 26-page PDF with the following info:
  • A 4-page release of news & updates from GetWell*StayWell, America!
  • A 3-page update of "Our Summary Order Form for The 63 LIVE-FOOD Great & Yummy GetWell Edibles!"
  • A 4-page review on the WAKE UP! CANCER IS CURABLE NOW!
  • recent DVD release/
    PLUS, how to receive Dr. Shelton's Food Combining Made Easy + Superior Nutrition + Dr. Tosca Haag's Food Combining Chart -- FREE when you order the DVD!
  • A 2-page review of "The Other MUST-SEE DVD": HEALING CANCER FROM INSIDE OUT
  • A 1-page description of Dr. Tilden's 230 Health Epigrams -- and how to receive your copy FREE!
  • A 3-page review of a new slew of recent DVD releases from Raw Food Movement Recipe Writers:
    Ani's Raw Food Kitchen Show
    Dalene's Smart Raw Food Method
    Dr. Fuhrman"s Secrets to Healthy Cooking
    Jason Wrobel's Simple
    Vegan Classics
    Living on Live Foods
    Raw Food for Real People
    Raw Food Made Easy
    Raw Organic Cuisine in 10 Minutes
    What's Not Cookin' in Rhio's Kitchen
    + How to receive FREE GIFT COPIES of the following with your order of 1 or more of the above Raw Food Movement Recipe Writers' DVD Shows:
    Food Combining Wallet Card
    My 2-page review of what I consider to be "THE BEST OF THE ABOVE BEST FOOD PREP SHOWS":
  • LOW-FAT RAW-VEGAN CUISINE = a 2-DVD set with $50 in electronic info with your purchase
  • A 3-page review of a new slew of recent DVD release documentaries from alternative health care producers:
  •   Dispelling Medical Myths Affecting Your Future
  • Dr. Colin Campbell Conversations
  • Eating Right for Cancer Survival
  • Food Matters
  • Fasting
  • Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
  • Forks Over Knives
  • Got the Facts on Milk?
  • Grow Your Own Greens
  • INGREEDients
  • Osteoporosis Protection for Life
  • The Pleasure Trap
  • To Your Health
  • A 2-page letter of inspiration from a GetWell Friend
  • A 1-page letter laying out CREATING HEALTHY CHILDREN as the book to get on childcare instead of Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Care of Children which is full of many errors
  • A 2-page review of Jack Dunn Trop's THE GREATEST ADVENTURE! -- with your invitation to order it now! Here is a little more about  THE GREATEST ADVENTURE!
    The movie has no copyright anywhere. And I have been learning all about copyright laws recently changed. This is a movie that I can get mastered into a DVD, get a new intro with some basic teachings and an ending with contact information added on, get a "THANK YOU TO DR. VETRANO & TO GETWELL FRIENDS & livefoodfactorfriends!" put on, and order a batch made for us all! I do believe you will all want at least one copy of this DVD. Just read on! THIS IS A WONDERFUL PIECE OF NATURAL HYGIENE HISTORY: USEFUL, COMPELLING, CHARMING, THOUGHT-&-ACTION PROVOKING!
    Your orders now will help me get the DVD-master made and the new opening teachings and closing contact info put on. I am asking $20 for the first copy and $10 for additional copies. I will mail out any copies you want me to send to anyone. And I will cover the postage. If you read my review and know you will want one for yourself, please get another to loan out and maybe not get back when you want it! SO, HERE IS MY REVIEW! ENJOY! GET EXCITED! Maybe your loved ones will get the idea about Healthful Living and Live-Foods from watching this true-story movie/documentary. A 45-minute moving picture movie with thousands of frames could be worth millions of your words to inspire change in them!