Published: Tue, 01/01/13

Abby Fashions Newsletter

Wishing You A Happy New Year!


2013 is The Year of Expansion.
Wish You A Happy, Healthy, & Prosperous New Year.

In today's newsletter, I just wanted to thank you for your support in 2012.

We are truly grateful for your support and THANK YOU for been our friend, partner, customer and subscriber. We really appreciate the opportunity you've given us to serve you in 2012. We look forward to continuing our relationship in 2013 and beyond.

You are among the very few people on the face of the earth that understand the fact that "Elegance Comes From The Soul".  At AbbyFashions, we will make sure you continue to look your best without breaking the bank; that is why we promise you great looks at smart prices ALWAYS!

The best is yet to come; we have great THANK YOU deals coming up soon.  I will let you know about it in my next newsletter.
Again, thanks for making 2012 a memorable year. Let's work together and make 2013 an even better.

I really hope you achieve all your goals, dreams and the increase that has been prophesied for 2013. I wish you (and your family) a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

Have a Happy New Year!

From all your family at Abby Fashions.


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 Copyright 2013 - www.AbbyFashions.net