Free Meditation Videos, Yoga for Thighs and Buttocks, New Yoga E-books - Meditation Newsletter

Published: Mon, 02/07/11

Mastery of Meditation Newsletter
February 07, 2011

Mission Statement
The purpose of the Mastery of Meditation newsletter is to share free yoga and meditation information and gifts with you all, and keep you updated on the newest developments on the Mastery of Meditation Blog. 
As the newsletter evolves, it's purpose will remain consistent with the overall goal of the website, which is to help you achieve greatness and discover the True Nature of Reality.

Newsletter Contents

Dear Friends,
Greetings and a warm welcome to everyone. For those who are new to the website, here is a quick list of where to find all the free yoga, meditation and pranayama videos and articles.  I hope you all enjoy and benefit from them. 
Here is what this edition features:-
  1. Yoga exercise to Tone Legs and Buttocks.
  2. 2 New Free Yoga Meditation Videos.
  3. 3 Best Articles from January.
  4. New Yoga and Meditation E-books.
  5. Resources for You.
To help me share this knowledge, please forward this email to others who you feel can also benefit from this website and newsletter.  Thank you all.
Love & Light,

Yoga for Legs, Buttocks and Balance

A wonderful thing about yoga exercises is that they work on you at many different levels at once.  Not only are they great for your physical dimension, but are also often designed to work on your emotional or mental dimensions as well.

Yoga Crow Squats with Arm Raises is a great example of such an exercise.  It will not just help you tone and strengthen your thighs and buttocks, but it will also help you develop emotional and mental balance.  In addition, this exercise is excellent for your cardiovascular and circulatory systems as well.

Below are illustrations on how to practice this technique.  There are some variations to this exercise as well, which I have also provided.  This exercise will be integrated into our free online Kundalini Yoga Exercises and Hatha Yoga Galleries on the website.

#1: Yoga Crow Squat Down

#2: Crow Squat Right Arm Up

#3: Yoga Crow Squat Down

#4: Crow Squat Left Arm Up

Yoga Crow Squats with Arm Raises:

To do this exercise follow the steps below:
  • The starting position is to have your feet spread a little more than shoulder width apart, have you hands in namaste pose and to come down into a deep squat.  Exhale in this position. This is shown in Illustration #1 above.
  • Then rise up smoothly, and as you come up extend your right up at a 60 degree angle as shown.  Inhale as you come up. Illustration #2.
  • Now come back into the deep squat and namaste pose.  Exhale.  Illustration #3.  
  • Next inhale again and as you come up extend your left arm up at a 60 degree angle as shown.  Illustration #4.
  • Continue this movement for the duration of the exercise.  You can start with 1 minute or less and build up from there.
  • Mantra Variation: This exercise can be done with an accompanying mantra as well.  This boosts the mental and emotional benefits of the exercise. You can do "OM Namah Shiva Ya" or "SA TA NA MA" for each of the parts of the exercise.  Do the mantra mentally as you do the movements.  For example, in position 1 say SA mentally, in position 2 say TA, back in position 3 say NA and then say MA for position 4.  And repeat.
  • Arm Variation 1: A variation with the hands is to have your arms stretched overhead with the fingers interlaced with palms facing down and keep them there as you squat up and down.  This is obviously harder to do, and engages the shoulder muscles more.
  • Arm Variation 2: An easier variation with the arms is to have the fingers interlaced again, with the palms facing up and just having the arms simply hang down straight in front of you as you squat.  This variation is called Utthan Asana.      
Benefits of Yoga Crow Squats:
  • Excellent pose for toning and strengthening your thighs and buttocks.
  • Works to promote emotional and mental balance, especially when done with a mantra.
  • Increases vitality and sexual fitness.
  • Helps develop your cardiovascular system and strengthen the heart.
  • Promotes circulation throughout the body.
  • Improves flexibility in the groin.
  • Helps strengthen the lower back and helps relieve lower back pain.
  • Strengthens the ankles and feet.
  • Works on your shoulders.
  • Helps clear your root chakra.
Cautions and Tips for Yoga Crow Squats:
  • Be careful of your knees when you do this exercise and only go as far down as comfortable.  Same caution should be exercised for the ankle joints as well.
  • If you are out of shape, start by taking several breaks between repetitions and build up your strength and stamina slowly over time.
  • If you have existing back problems, then again exercise caution and proceed gently.

2 New Free Meditation Videos
As promised, I have kicked off the new free meditation and yoga videos series for 2011 :-).  Today I would like to share with you 2 of my new meditation videos. These will become part of the Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques Collection and the Free Online Meditation Videos collections.  

Please note if you have any problems viewing the videos on the website you can always view them directly from the YouTube link given in the article as well.

Each title below is a link to the meditation.  Please click the link for full details about each meditation.



This meditation uses the all powerful Gayatri Mantra to awaken and open the Third Eye Chakra.

The key components of this meditation are the use of Shambhavi Mudra, Gyan Mudra and the visualization of the Gayatri Mantra emanating from the Third Eye Chakra.



Due to the many aspects that make up this potent meditation, I think a video demonstration was long overdue :-).  From the video you can learn how to correctly pronounce the mantra, as well as learn how to pace the mudras used in this amazing meditation.

As I have mentioned before, I have been pleasantly surprised by how quickly this meditation has benefited the practitioners, and I hope you will also benefit in the same way from it's practice.
Best Articles from January
As you know Mastery of Meditation and Yoga has a blog associated with it, where 3 to 4 articles are added each week.  You will find this blog at the following page - Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Blog.  

If you want to receive these articles via email or read them in your RSS reader those facilities are provided on the website as well.

In case you missed any of the articles that were posed last month, there is a summary of the most popular ones for you.

Each title below is a link to the article.  Please click the link to read the full article.



This simple breathing technique is excellent to do before starting your yoga practice.  It clears out your respiratory channels and gets the engine of the body ready to do more work.

I would also recommend this technique for preparing for pranayama (yogic breathing) practice.



A detailed look at the core teachings of the Bhagawat Gita and Sri Krishna.  This article delves into what is the ultimate aim of yoga and life, and also what it takes to succeed in this practice.  I am very happy that this article was enjoyed and read by so many of you.



Many of you have enjoyed getting a taste of what a live kundalini yoga class would be like from this video series.  In this part of the DVD, I teach the Spinal Warm-up Series and begin the Kriya for Nerve Strength.  I will be posting the final part in the next week or so, thus you will have a complete yoga class to practice from end to end. 
New Yoga and Meditation E-books

I am thrilled to say that the Meditation Instructor Certification Program and Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program are being very well received and are taking off at light speed.  My goal is to teach as many people yoga and meditation as I can, and there is no better way for me to do that than by helping create more yoga and meditation teachers :-).

I have made every effort to keep the prices for these accredited certification programs as low as I can (currently only $47), but what I have also done, to help spread the wisdom of yoga and meditation, is make the official training manuals available separately, so you can study and practice on your own if you prefer.

So here are the 2 training e-manuals for you to purchase separately if you like. For more of my products you are welcome to check out my Online Yoga and Meditation Store.


This e-book is 650 pages long!  It contains the best of both Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga.  It also teaches you pranayama (breathing techniques), mudras (hand positions), bandhas (body locks) and meditation.  It is fully illustrated and has active links to more than 20 online training videos.

In addition this e-book also teaches how to build a high traffic yoga website, how to teach a yoga class and how to run a yoga center.


The meditation training e-book contains the best meditations from around the world and also teaches you gentle yoga and pranayama.  It, of course, includes the 8 week meditation teacher's training program and syllabus.  The manual also teaches how to build a high traffic website, how to teach a meditation class and how to run a meditation center.

If is fully illustrated, like all my e-books, and has active links to more than 15 online training videos.


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