5 Free Meditation Videos, Top Yoga Pose, New Mantras, Stress Relief and More - Meditation Newsletter

Published: Tue, 04/05/11

Mastery of Meditation Newsletter
April 05, 2011

Mission Statement
The purpose of the Mastery of Meditation newsletter is to share free yoga and meditation information and gifts with you all, and keep you updated on the newest developments on the Mastery of Meditation Blog. 
As the newsletter evolves, it's purpose will remain consistent with the overall goal of the website, which is to help you achieve greatness and discover the True Nature of Reality.

Newsletter Contents

Dear Friends,
Greetings and a warm welcome to everyone. For those who are new to the website, here is a quick list of where to find all the free yoga, meditation, mantra, music and pranayama videos, mp3s and articles.  I hope you all enjoy and benefit from them. 
Here is what this edition features:-
  1. Yoga Pose for Heart Center.
  2. 5 New Free Meditation Videos.
  3. 5 Best Articles from February and March.
  4. Yoga Certification Program Special Offer.
  5. Resources for You.
To help me share this knowledge, please forward this email to others who you feel can also benefit from the website and newsletter.  Thank you all.
Love & Light,

Yoga for Heart Center - Camel Pose

The great thing about yoga poses is that a single pose can have many variations and modifications.  This allows the same pose to be done by beginners and experts alike, and also allows one to extract additional benefits by varying the pose is particular ways.

What this means is that there is no need to be intimidated by difficult looking yoga postures, as there is every likely hood of finding an easier version of it for you to start with.  In this newsletter I am going illustrate this point, while at the same time showing you a great yoga pose for opening the heart center and stretching the back, legs, throat, chest, hips, shoulders and abdominal area.

This pose is called Camel Pose (Ushtra Asana) and below are some new variations of this pose, which I will add to our free online Kundalini Yoga Exercises and Hatha Yoga Galleries collections on the website.

#1: Camel Pose Complete

#2: Camel Pose On Toes

#3: Camel Pose Easy 1

#4: Camel Pose Easy 2

#5: Camel Pose w/ Lion's Breath

Camel Pose for Optimum Health:

To do this exercise follow the steps below:
  • To start this yoga pose, come up onto your knees and have your feet and knees about 2 fists distance apart, with toes extended.
  • Now reach back with your hands and grasp your heels.  If you feel yourself straining, don't worry try one of the many variations I have detailed below instead :-).
  • Next tilt your head back such that you are facing the ceiling.
  • Now ensure you are pressing forward with your hips and also expanding your chest region, by pressing your elbows back.  Creating a good stretch in your thighs, hips, chest, shoulders, abdominal region, back and throat. This is shown in Illustration #1.
  • Variation with Toes:  In Illustration #2, I show the small variation where you are on your toes, as opposed to having them extended, and this makes the pose a little easier to do.
  • Arm Variation #1: If you cannot reach your toes, that is fine, you can do this pose using the variation shown in Illustration #3.  Here I have interlaced my fingers and am pulling my shoulder back as shown.  In this variation you will be able to get all the stretches as well.
  • Arm Variation #2: Probably the easiest variation is shown in Illustration #4.  Here I have my hands on my lower back instead.  This is a great variation for seniors or those who are in need of a simple version to start with.
  • Advanced Variation with Lion's Breath:  An easy way to introduce variations for poses is by using different breaths.  Generally you can do any pose with normal breathing or long deep breathing, but if you want a pose to be more intense and productive you can do it using Breath of Fire. But in the variation shown in Illustration #5 above you do Camel Pose with Lion's Breath, also called Panting Dog Breath of Fire.  In this variation you stick your tongue out and breathe in and out powerfully through the mouth. For this breath emphasize the exhalation more than the inhalation, and let the stomach contract with each exhalation.  This variation will help detox your system.  Again, feel free to stop and start this breath as required as you hold the pose.      
Benefits of Camel Pose:
  • Excellent yoga posture for overall health and wellbeing.
  • The pose expands the abdominal region, helping digestion and elimination.  It helps to heal and balances the Navel Chakra.
  • Opens and heals the Heart Chakra by expanding and stretching the chest region.  Excellent for the respiratory and circulatory systems.  Bestows softness of character.
  • Releases tension in the ovaries and helps the immune system by working on the lymphatic system.
  • The posture, activates and balances the Throat Chakra, and works to heal and rejuvenate the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
  • The exercise opens up the hips and builds strength in the thighs and arms.
  • Stretches and strengthens the shoulders.

5 New Free Meditation Videos
The new free meditation and yoga videos series for 2011 is in full swing and here are 5 new meditation videos that I have recently created and uploaded to the website and my YouTube channel.  

My YouTube channel is an easy way to access all the free yoga, meditation, mantra and pranayama videos in one place.  Here is the link to my channel AnmolMehtaCom YouTube Channel Link, and you can subscribe in order to be alerted whenever I upload any new videos.

Also, these new videos will become part of the free online collections we have and you can access these collections from the following pages: Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques Collection and the Free Online Meditation Videos collections.

Each title below is a link to the meditation.  Please click the link for full details about each meditation.


Wonderful meditation involving mantra and pranayama to promote stress relief, deep relaxation and rejuvenation.  Known for helping those suffering from insomnia or anxiety.


A challenging meditation that leverages yoga numerology, mudras and visualization to stimulate the Third Eye Chakra and help open this important center.


You will find all 4 parts of a complete Kundalini Yoga class taught be me in this article.  These videos will give a glimpse of what a real Kundalini Yoga class feels like and will help teach you how to design your own complete home yoga routine.


I had a lot of fun making this video, I could not control my laughter and I hope this meditation has the same affect for you :-).


An unusual Kundalini Yoga Meditation to open the Seventh Chakra, which is responsible for your connectivity to Divinity and Infinity.  Please adhere to the cautions I have detailed for this technique before proceeding to practice it.

5 Best Articles from Last 2 Months
In case you missed any of the articles from the last 2 months, here are the ones that were enjoyed most by the readers.  You can always find the new articles I write on my blog page, the link to that page is below...

Each title below is a link to the article.  Please click the link to read the full article.


My experiences with altered states of consciousness and insights into why they take place and how you can facilitate them for yourself.


Great meditation tips from J. Krishnamurti to help you with your spiritual growth and help the meditative mind blossom in you naturally.


The great Vedic Pranayama Mantra to help you connect with Divinity and find great peace and tranquility within.


A discussion of recent research about how meditation increases the density of the brain and helps improve the mind and memory.  Specific meditations to obtain these results are also discussed. 


Hear from the students who have graduated from my Online Meditation Certification Program and read about how they are now becoming successful meditation teachers themselves, and how the program has transformed their lives. 
Yoga Certification Program Special Offer

I am happy to report that the new Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program is following in the footsteps of the already successful Meditation Instructor Certification Program, and that the first batch of students have graduated from this program and are now making their career as Certified Yoga Teachers :-).

I have a few important updates regarding the Yoga Certification Program and here they are for you.


For a limited time I am offering the Yoga Certification Program, with the directory listings and website links for a special price of $67 (regular price $97)

The price for the basic certification, which includes the certification and all material is still $47, but if are interested in getting listed and interested in getting exposure for yourself and your website (if you have one), then I suggest you take advantage of this special offer to sign up for $67.


I am also happy to report that the program has been accredited by the World Metaphysical Association and earned a listing on their Accredited Schools Page (http://www.worldmeta.org/schools.htm).

I am continuing to apply for accreditation from other authorities that certify online programs to further establish this as the premier Online Yoga Certification Program in the world.  


Best Online Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program.  Special Price for complete program with listings and links just $67 for a limited time.

($47 / $67)

Most popular Meditation Teacher's Training and Certification Program on the internet.

($47 / $77 / $97)

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