Mantra Meditation for Psychic Powers, Top 5 YouTube Videos for Weight Loss, Abs and More - Meditation Newsletter

Published: Thu, 04/21/11

Mastery of Meditation Newsletter
April 20, 2011

Newsletter Contents

Dear Friends,
Greetings and hope your life is full of love, joy, peace and health.

Here is what this edition features:-
  1. Mantra Meditation for Acquiring Psychic Powers.
  2. My 5 Top YouTube Videos.
  3. Yoga Certification Program Special Offer Extended.
To help me share this knowledge, please forward this email to others who you feel can also benefit from the website and newsletter.  Thank you all.
Love & Light,

Mantra Meditation for Psychic Powers

When it comes to developing psychic powers and abilities, the first thing to understand is that these powers are not the goal of yoga or meditation.  They are simply gifts that come with long term spiritual practice and are another interesting and mysterious part of life and consciousness.

So before devoting yourself to the development of these abilities I suggest reading the following article first - The Right Way to Acquire Psychic Powers.

There are many yoga and meditation techniques that are known to help in the development of such siddhis (powers), and below you will find details of one such technique.  In addition, to helping develop abilities such as clairvoyance and foresight, this meditation is also great for honing your intuition and developing great mastery over speech and communication.

Other techniques and articles which are also dedicated to the topic of psychic development and might be of interest to you are the following:

Also, here is an interesting survey I ran on whether people believed in psychic phenomenon or not and a whopping 94% said they either had psychic abilities themselves, or believed such phenomenon to be true.  You can read about that survey here:

SA TA NA MA Meditation for Acquiring Psychic Powers

Here is a link to my Free Video for how to do this meditation:


Posture for SA TA NA MA Meditation (Eyes Slightly Open Though)       

To do this meditation follow the steps below:
  • Sit with your legs crossed, if you cannot sit with your legs crossed you may sit up on your heels or on a chair to do this meditation.
  • Elongate your spine and bring your chin back slightly, like a soldier at attention.
  • Next take Gyan Mudra with your fingers.  Which is to have your thumb tips and index finger meeting and the wrists resting gently on the knees, palms facing slightly upwards.
  • Next take Shambhai Mudra.  For this eye position turn your eyes gently upwards such that you are looking through the center of the forehead. But don't close your eyes, instead keep them slightly open while holding Shambhavi mudra as steadily as you can.  If your eyes tire while holding this position, release the mudra and reapply it once ready.  The end result should be the posture shown above in the illustration.
  • Now begin to mentally chant the mantra, SA TA NA MA while VISUALIZING it emanating from the Third Eye Chakra (center of the forehead).
  • Let your breathing be normal (although it might slow down considerably) and keep your focus on the mantra moving out from the Third Eye.
  • Continue on for the duration of the meditation.    
Duration for SA TA NA MA Mantra Meditation:
  • This meditation, unlike most such meditations is known to work quite quickly with sincere practice.
  • The meditation is traditionally done for 90 minutes, but that could be quite difficult for many to do, so I suggest starting with 15 minutes and building up to 30 minutes from there.  The final goal though is to do it for 90 minutes if possible.
Benefits of SA TA NA MA Mantra Meditation:
  • Bestows a great deal of insight and intuition.
  • Bestows psychic powers, especially known to bestow clairvoyance and ability to see your future.
  • Give you great power of speech and communication.
  • Develops charisma and magnetism.
  • Bestows peace and tranquility.
  • Develops concentration, mental focus and mind power.

My Top 5 YouTube Videos
I am happy to say that many of people all over the world are enjoying my YouTube yoga and meditation videos.  Here is the link to the channel AnmolMehtaCom YouTube Channel Link, and you can subscribe in order to be alerted whenever I upload any new videos.

Below are the top 5 most popular videos from my channel and here are the links to the articles on the website which have these YouTube videos embedded in them.

You can also find all the video articles in the following 3 online collections:

Each title below is a link to the video article.  Please click the link for full details about each technique or set.


A fun set of yoga exercises to get your metabolism up, help you burn fat and get in shape.  Just in time as summer is around the corner :-).


The OM (AUM) mantra is certainly one of the most recited mantra in the world. It is the seed sound for the Third Eye Chakra and this meditation is the favorite of many looking to balance and open this center.


No surprise this is the most popular yoga breathing exercise video of mine on YouTube, as this is best and most popular yoga pranayama as well.  It is excellent for improving your overall health, getting rid of negativity, as well as promoting weight loss.


The timeless meditation from the school of non-duality, this mantra and meditation are excellent for fighting depression, lifting your spirits and helping you realize your true divine nature.


Excellent set of exercises for developing your core and toning your abdominal region.  Helps you shape your stomach and improve your digestive system, energy and willpower.
Yoga Certification Program Special Offer

The special offer for the Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program was very well received and many of you have taken advantage of it and signed up for the program, so I am extending the special offer for some more time.  

If you are interested in becoming a meditation teacher, then you can sign up for the popular Meditation Instructor Certification Program instead.


For a limited time I am offering the Yoga Certification Program, with the directory listings and website links for a special price of $67 (regular price $97)

The price for the basic certification, which includes the certification and all material is still $47, but if are interested in getting listed and interested in getting exposure for yourself and your website (if you have one), then I suggest you take advantage of this special offer to sign up for $67.


I am also happy to report that the program has been accredited by the World Metaphysical Association and earned a listing on their Accredited Schools Page (

I am continuing to apply for accreditation from other authorities that certify online programs to further establish this as the premier Online Yoga Certification Program in the world.  


Best Online Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program.  Special Price for complete program with listings and links just $67 for a limited time.

($47 / $67)

Most popular Meditation Teacher's Training and Certification Program on the internet.

($47 / $77 / $97)