Yoga for Back Video, 5 Best Articles on Energy, Karma, Vegetarianism, Zen & More - Meditation Newsletter

Published: Sun, 05/22/11

Mastery of Meditation Newsletter
May 22, 2011

Newsletter Contents

Dear Friends,
Greetings and hope your life is full of love, joy, peace and health.  I have just completed a big software and hardware upgrade of the website, so you should find the website much faster and better before.

As you all know the website offers a great deal of free yoga and meditation resources and I am happy to provide you all these techniques, classes and knowledge for no charge.  Today, I would like to ask you for some help with this project of mine.  

I would like your help in spreading this wisdom far and wide.  For this I have created convenient Social Bookmarking Buttons for each article.  So if you enjoy any article, please share it on Facebook, Twitter, Email, etc, so others can benefit as well .  I will be very grateful to you for this assistance.

Thanks You All.

Here is what this edition features:-
  1. Yoga Bridge Pose Video for Back and More.
  2. Top 5 Articles from April.
  3. Yoga Certification Program Overtaking Meditation Training Program.
Love & Light,

New Yoga Bridge Pose Video for Back

Yoga has a wide range of exercises to help the back in all kinds of way. Whether you are looking to strengthen your back, cure back pain or increase your flexibility, there are plenty of yoga poses and exercises to choose from.

For those familiar with the Chakra System of Kundalini Yoga, it is quite understandable why the back is so much the focus of yoga postures.  It is because the all important spinal cord runs up the back and the spinal cord houses the 3 key psychic channels.

These 3 psychic channels are responsible for the movement of Kundalini (life force) up and down the spine.  These channels are the ida, pingala and shushumna.  Which are the female/lunar, male/solar and central channel respectively.  Working on the back and spine helps to clear blockages along these channels and facilitates the flow of energy through all the important centers (chakras), helping to balance and heal them.

If you are interested more in this aspect of yoga I suggest reading the following articles:

For Complete Chakra Healing and Balancing Practice the Following:

Yoga Bridge Pose for Healthy Back

Here is a link to my the Free Video for how to do this exercise:

MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL -->  AnmolMehtaCom YouTube Channel

Yoga Bridge Pose Full (Illustration #1)

Yoga Bridge Pose Advanced (Illustration #2)

Yoga Bridge Pose Modified (Illustration #3)

      A. How to Do Bridge Pose:
  • For the basic bridge pose, stretch your legs forwards and place your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Then raise your butt and torso up off the ground have it make a straight line all the way through to the top of your head.  The final posture is shown above in illustration #1.
  • Hold this posture doing Breath of Fire or Long Deep Breathing.  You will feel it working your lower back, arms, shoulders, neck and hamstrings.
  • Advanced Yoga Bridge Posture - Illustration #2:  In illustration #2 above I have shown an advanced variation of this posture.  Here you raise one leg up keeping it straight, while balancing yourself on the other leg.  Switch legs between rounds.  This pose will be tougher on the lower back and hamstrings, and only practice it when you feel good and ready.

  • Beginner's Yoga Bridge Posture - Illustration #3:  The easy variation to Bridge Pose is also excellent for you back and body, so don't worry if need to do bridge pose as demonstrated above by my son Shivum in Illustration #3.  Here you have your knees bent at 90 degrees and are balancing on your hands and feet.  In this posture, to really work your lower back, thrust your hips high into the air, so your torso is parallel to the ground.

  • Bridge Pose with Movement Variation:  Kundalini, Flow and Power Yogis know that using movement can often enhance the benefits of a particular posture, and that is certainly the case with Bridge Pose.  To really have bridge pose work your back, arms and legs, raise yourself up and down for the duration of the exercise.  So from the starting position, you want to come into bridge pose, and then lower yourself to the floor and then come into the pose again.  This movement can be done for the easy or full version of bridge pose.
  • B. Duration for Bridge Pose:  15 seconds - 3 minutes.

    C. Benefits of Bridge Pose:  

    • Excellent for strengthening the lower back.
    • Helps to stretch the lower back and alleviate lower back pain.
    • Good for the immune, digestive and reproductive systems.
    • Strengthens the arms, legs and shoulders.
    • Good for your back and spine.

    D. Practice Tips and Cautions for Bridge Posture:

    • There are even more variations to bridge pose.  One is with fingers pointing back instead of forward and reaching up as far as possible with your hips, thus arcing your back up.  Another is letting your head drop back to stretch the neck.  Finally, you can also push your feet down towards the floor.  All these variations are valid and useful.

    • If you have back problems, it is very important to progress slowly with these postures and exercises.  The back needs to be strengthened over time so it can regain its health and flexibility.  It is best to work with a yoga teacher when using yoga postures to deal with difficult back issues.

    • Some strength is required to practice bridge pose, so make sure you work your way up gently if you are weak or unfit.

You will find more videos and yoga exercises in the following free online resources:

5 Best Articles from April
Below are the 5 most popular articles from April.  You will find all my new article here: Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Blog.

Each title below is a link to the article.  Please click the link to read the full article.


If you are interested in becoming vegetarian or are curious as to what it takes to successfully convert then this article is a must read.  It is what I learned from my own journey from being non-vegetarian to vegetarian.


If you lack energy or are looking to boost your energy levels then these yoga exercises might just be what you need.  As they are just breathing exercises they are suitable for anyone to practice and this article includes a SUPER COMBO Pranayama as well, which is sure to get your cells vibrating.


Teachings on how to approach your career and life so you can walk the path of peace and harmony, even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life. Teachings from the Tao Te Ching and the Bhagavad Gita.


A deep look into the profound teachings of Zen and how they help one attain enlightenment.


A great set of neck exercises to relieve stress and neck pain.  Easy and safe to do, with proven results.  Great to do as a warm-up set.
Yoga Training Affiliate Program Roars

Currently I am running a special offer for the Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program, which is undoubtedly making it a very attractive course for those interested in teaching yoga and getting certified.

In fact, the Yoga Certification Program now gets more enrollments than the popular Meditation Teacher's Training Program But recently the Yoga Program really took off as it climbed to be the #1 Yoga Product on the huge Clickbank affiliate website.

If you are a webmaster, blogger or internet marketer, you will certainly like to read about the recent success of the Yoga Certification Program on Clickbank, and jump on board. Here is an article with those details, including daily sales figures and conversion rates:

I welcome any new affiliate partners and look forward to working with you in spreading the knowledge and enjoying the success.


As mentioned above, for a limited time I am offering the Yoga Certification Program, with the directory listings and website links for a special price of $67 (regular price $97)

The price for the basic certification, which includes the certification and all material is still $47, but if are interested in getting listed and interested in getting exposure for yourself and your website (if you have one), then I suggest you take advantage of this special offer to sign up for $67.


I am also happy to report that the program has been accredited by the World Metaphysical Association and earned a listing on their Accredited Schools Page (

I am continuing to apply for accreditation from other authorities that certify online programs to further establish this as the premier Online Yoga Certification Program in the world.  


Best Online Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program.  Special Price for complete program with listings and links just $67 for a limited time.

($47 / $67)

Most popular Meditation Teacher's Training and Certification Program on the internet.

($47 / $77 / $97)