Best Free Yoga Resources, Liver Detox Set, Top 5 Articles - Meditation Newsletter

Published: Thu, 07/28/11

Mastery of Meditation Newsletter
July 27, 2011

Newsletter Contents

Dear Friends,
Greetings everyone and a warm welcome to all the new subscribers to the Mastery of Meditation newsletter.  

In this edition I am going to highlight the most popular free yoga resources on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga.  Also, you will find below an excellent yoga sequence to help naturally detox your liver, as well as the best articles from the last few weeks.

If you do find any of these resources or articles beneficial please do share them with others via Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, etc.  I appreciate your help with helping to spread the light.

Here is what this edition features:-
  1. Best Free Hatha and Kundalini Yoga Resources.
  2. Liver Detox Set - Pavan Sodhung Kriya.
  3. 5 Best Recent Articles.
  4. 500+ Students Join Yoga and Meditation Certification Programs.
Love and Light,

Best Hatha & Kundalini Yoga Resources

I am constantly adding new yoga poses, sets and pranayamas to the website, and to help organize all this information, I have created respective Index pages which are updated every time such techniques are published.

So to find any of the yoga poses or techniques, you can simply visit these index pages and they will have links to the detailed articles you are looking for. The articles not only have clear illustrations on how to practice the techniques, but in many cases also have video instructions and demos as well :-).

Here are 4 of the most popular such indexes which are invaluable to the yoga fan.

Each title below is a link to the Index.  Please click the link to read the full article.


This is a collection of 50 of the best exercises from Kundalini Yoga.  And I am sure that no matter what you are interested in working on, you will find some great techniques here to help you with that.


The foundation of physical yoga is Hatha and in this collection you will find detailed Hatha Yoga poses broken down by category.  For each pose you will also find modifications, cautions, benefits and practice tips to help you master the pose and get the most out of your practice.


If you have not incorporated yogic breathing into your yoga and fitness routines, you are missing out on a very powerful tool for health and evolution.  Yogic breathing can single handedly transform your life, so be sure to check out the collection that is freely available in the link above. 


In this collection of yoga sets, you will find routines to help you lose weight, open your chakras, tone and shape your abs, develop your sexual healthincrease longevity and much, much more.  Furthermore, the sets are designed such that they can be practiced by both beginner yogis and advanced practitioners.  

Natural Liver Detox Yoga Series
One of my favorite yoga sets is Pavan Sodhung Kriya or the Liver Detox Series. This sequence of yoga poses is very effective for detoxifying your liver, improving your digestive system, strengthening your core and increasing your pranic capacity.

Below are the step by step instructions on how to practice Pavan Sodhung Kriya along with illustrations.


Illustration #1

Illustration #2

Illustration #3

Step By Step Instructions:

  • Lie on your back and close your eyes.  Place your hands, palms facing down, underneath your buttocks to support your lower back as I have demonstration in illustration # 1.
  • Now inhale deeply, hold your breath as you raise your legs to 60 degrees as I have shown in illustration #2.  Start with just a few seconds and build up to 15 seconds if you can.  So hold this position with your breath held in for as long as comfortable (up to 15 seconds).
  • Now exhale as you bring your knees in towards your chest as I have shown in illustration #3.  Hold this position, with breath held out for up to 15 seconds.
  • Now return to the position in illustration #2 as you inhale.  Again hold it for up to 15 seconds with your breath held in.  If it starts to feel tough, remember how happy your liver is that you are doing this, and how much better you will feel after you detox your system.
  • Finally, lower your legs and return to the starting position as you exhale.  Now remain in this position for up to 15 seconds with your breath held out.
  • Next inhale and move back to illustration #2, and hold for 15 seconds, and continue to repeat this cycle for the duration of the time.

  • Tips and Cautions:

    If you are new to yoga please start with holding your breath for only as long as you are comfortable and build up from there.  Also, be careful of your lower back when doing this routine.


    You can start with 3 minutes and build up the amount of time from there to a maximum of 31 minutes.

    Further Reading:

    For full details of this wonderful exercise please visit the following article: Powerful Natural Liver Detox

    5 Best Recent Articles & Videos

    In case you missed any, here are the 5 most popular articles that were recently published on the website.

    For new articles you can visit the blog here: Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Blog.

    Each title below is a link to the article.  Please click the link to read the full article.


    As part of the new video series this article hosts the video of the panting breath of fire which is a great yoga exercise for detoxifying the body.  The original article with full details of this technique can be found here: Cleanse and Detox Your Body with Powerful Yoga.


    If you are interested in opening the Third Eye center for increasing intuition and insight, then the techniques detailed in this article are a must for you.  The techniques come with full video instructions. 


    A true story from a student of recovery from brain cancer using yoga and other holistic sciences.  A real inspiration and testimonial to the incredible power of human spirit and yoga.


    An insightful article into the popular Vipassana meditation technique, including tips and other useful information for those interested in meditation.


    One of my more recent articles which explores 3 of the most beautiful words in the English language.  3 words that can transform your live.
    500+ Students in Certification Programs

    I am happy to report that the number of students enrolled in the Yoga and Meditation Certification Programs is now in excess of 500.  The program has produced many successful teachers and you can read some of their testimonials here: Meditation Teacher's Training Program Reviews and Testimonials.

    If you too are interested in becoming a yoga or meditation teacher, below are the links to these programs...  


    Best Online Yoga Teacher's Training and Certification Program.  Special Price for complete program with listings and links just $67 for a limited time.

    ($47 / $67)

    Most popular Meditation Teacher's Training and Certification Program on the internet.

    ($47 / $77 / $97)