10 Best Yoga Exercises and Poses of 2011, Most Popular Recent Articles and More - Meditation Newsletter

Published: Sat, 01/14/12

Mastery of Meditation Newsletter: January 2012
          Mastery of Meditation and Yoga

Devoted To Helping You Achieve Your Highest Potential


Dear Friends,

Wishing you all a Very Healthy, Happy, Peaceful and Blessings Filled New Year.  I am thoroughly looking forward to 2012 and am eager to continue to be of service to you all.

In this edition, I will highlight for you the 10 very best yoga techniques from 2011.  Also, don't miss the 8 most popular recent articles and collection of Free Yoga Resources on the right sidebar.

Finally, for those of you eager to learn the profound practices of Yoga and Meditation and reap the enormous benefits such sciences bring, you will find my popular Learn Yoga E-Program and Learn Meditation E-Program in the Featured Products section on your right.  I hope you take advantage of these offers and enjoy the blessings such practices bring. 

This Edition Features :-

  1. 10 Best Yoga Techniques of 2011.

Love and Light,

PS: I have launched a new Facebook fan page for Mastery of Meditation and Yoga.  All my free yoga, meditation and pranayama videos can be found there as well.  Please stop by and Like it.  I appreciate your love and support.

Mastery of Meditation and Yoga Facebook Fan Page 

10 Best Yoga Techniques of 2011:

Each title below is a link to the article with all the details including cautions, benefits, practice tips, etc.  So click that to read the full article.

Last year I uploaded a full Kundalini Yoga Class DVD to give you a flavor for what a live class feels like, in case you have not had a chance to experience one for yourself.
This online video will not just teach you many Kundalini Yoga poses and exercises, it will also show you how to organize a complete yoga session end to end, and give you lots of tips and techniques that can generally only be found in a live class.
Given that almost 80% of adults in the US suffer from back problems at some point of their life, it is no surprise that coming in at #2 is Yoga Bridge Pose.
This video article teaches many variations of Bridge Pose.  Some of these variations are perfect for beginners, while others are for advanced practitioners.  The best part is that all of these variations are excellent for strengthening and toning the lower back and spine.
Here is a picture of Advanced Bridge Pose.  Check out the article for full details and modifications...
Advanced Bridge Pose Picture
2011 was the year of Free Yoga Videos.  I created videos of many of the top yoga poses and exercises to help you learn the techniques easily and as well as possible.

One of these videos, was for Chair Pose, which is designed for improving sexual virility and energy.  This pose is also great if you are looking to tone and strengthen your thighs and buttocks.

You will find the original article for Chair Pose here - Chair Pose for Sexual Health.  For this pose there are modifications for beginner's as well, which you will also find in the video.

Kundalini Yoga Chair Pose
This pose is for all you power yoga fans who are really looking to challenge yourselves.

This pose works your upper and lower body simultaneously and is excellent for building grit and character.  Below is an advanced version of this difficult pose.  I suggest trying the basic version first, as that is quite difficult in and of itself.

You will find the original article, which is part of the Free Kundalini Yoga Exercises Collection, here - Tough Power Yoga Pose

Advanced Elbow Platform
For those aspirants interested in stimulating Kundalini Shakti at the base of the spine, this is an exercise worth exploring.  You should note that done with particular hand positions enhances the kundalini awakening affects of this movement.  

Also this article not just contains a video demonstration of this movement, but has links to other important resources for those interested in awakening kundalini.
If you have been a reader of my blog, then you know that core and ab work is something I always stress.  This not only helps tone and shape your stomach, it also helps you build character and willpower.
To work on the core there is of course the classic Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose and in 2011 I finally got a chance to create a video of this wonderful exercise, which you will find in this article.

Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose
One of the great things about yoga sequences is that a single sequence can work on many different parts of the body.  I see these types of exercises now being done at the gym, but yoga has incorporated them for thousands of years already.
The sequence in this article, is great for healthy weight loss, toning your things and buttocks, building your cardiovascular system and improving your flexibility.  It is a great combo exercise.  
Another video from 2011 was for the yoga crow pose, which is excellent for cleansing the root chakra.
As all other videos, this one also teaches important modifications for this pose.
A perfect exercise for starting your yoga session and warming up the entire torso and back are these easy spinal twists.  This exercise is recommended for daily practice by many schools of yoga and they are excellent for beginners, seniors and kids as well.

Easy Yoga Spinal Twists
This is a very nice set for stretching the neck in a safe and healthy way.  If you have tension, pain or stiffness in your neck, or are looking to warm-up prior to doing more advanced yoga asanas then this set is perfect for you.
The set is also good for those with thyroid issues or looking to work on the Throat Chakra.
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