Email Segmentation: 5 Groups You Can Easily Target, Part 1 [Email Marketing]

Published: Thu, 10/16/08

Learn Who You Can Easily Target With Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Here's the latest from the AWeber blog:

Email Segmentation: 5 Groups You Can Easily Target

Chart - Enable Images to SeeOver at Clickz, email columnist Jeanne Jennings has a great introduction to email segmentation.

She breaks down subscribers into a few groups based on their activity, and points out that you can (and should!) communicate with each group differently.

In a series of 3 posts, we'll look at how you can use the email web analytics tools in AWeber to target the groups she suggests, and make your email marketing campaigns more relevant.

There are 5 groups of people you can potentially target using activity-based segmentation.

Today, let's look at two of them.

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Justin Cheers,
Justin Premick
Education Marketing Manager
AWeber Communications


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