Market Like a Rock Star!

Published: Thu, 02/25/10

How Industrial Rock Can Inspire Your Email Marketing Vision
Tune Your Emails To Your Marketing Vision
Feb 25, 2010

Every email campaign starts with a vision.

The band Nine Inch Nails has been rocking the marketing boat with its vision: a revolutionary strategy that skips the usual channels. See how you can apply their ideas to your own campaign.

One technique that can help you achieve your own vision is segmentation. And it's not as complicated as it might seem. Check out an easy way to segment your list in the article below.

How To Market Like Nine Inch Nails

Photo: Jennifer Vecellio

Trent Reznor, frontman for industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails, has earned a reputation as a marketing maverick. He engages fans, building loyalty and watching sales naturally follow.

In the Nine Inch Nails online forum, Reznor tells musicians they can be their own best marketers:
"If you are young and use the Internet, you know more about your audience than [labels] do - for sure. This is a revolution and you can be a part of it. The old guard is dying; if you have good ideas - try them."

Email marketing is the perfect medium to try out these new ideas. With the following game plan, we'll show you how.


Become an Email Marketing Frontman


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Start Segmenting: 3 Easy Steps

Use Ad Tracking

Every subscriber is a beautiful and unique snowflake.

Each one belongs to your list for different reasons. For every email you send, some might just not care. To avoid subscriber fatigue, each reader should be sent only the content they want.

But how can you find out what they want?

You can ask them. You can send them surveys or add fields to your sign-up form.

Or, you can use the following method to harness the data you already have.


How To Segment With Ad Tracking


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Justin Premick (@justinpremick)
Director of Education Marketing
AWeber Communications


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