AWeber, Gmail, and Rapportive: Good Things Come In Threes

Published: Thu, 08/11/11

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  AWeber, Gmail, and Rapportive: Good Things Come In Threes

We’re always excited to announce a new integration using the AWeber API, whether it’s for signup forms on your blog, landing page optimization, or even social media.

This week, we’re bringing you something a little bit different – we’ve integrated with Rapportive, an add-on for Gmail that connects your Gmail account to your social media networks.

Our app allows you to connect your Gmail account to AWeber – read on to learn more!

Find Out How Rapportive Works!

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  Announcing Four More Free Guides

Looking for a good online read? We've added four new free guides to our library to address your email marketing needs. Whether you're a dentist who needs ideas for a campaign or you'd like to craft the perfect call to action, we have the guide for you!

Check out the new titles below and visit the library page for more free guides.


  Justin Premick
  Director of Education Marketing

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