Getting Started? Here's What to Write

Published: Tue, 08/16/11

And check out some new web form templates for your site.
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  What to Write in Your Email Campaign

Industry standard. Best practice. Optimization. Buzzwords can get head-spinning when you're first setting up your email marketing campaign, especially when you're more concerned about what to say and how to say it to get subscribers confirmed to your list.

Relax. We're here to help and bring a little clarity to your set-up content confusion. Whether you're unsure how to label your web form fields or are drawing a blank on customizing your confirmation message, we have tips and examples to guide you through your first communications with your subscribers.

Let's Get Started

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  New Web Form Templates For Your Site

One of the most important components of any email marketing campaign is of course, the web form. That being the case, you want to make sure that your web forms are getting people to sign up - you need to focus potential subscribers on your form and have it grab their attention. In short, it needs to look good.

To that end, our design team always takes time to work on new web form templates (we release new templates every week, with multiple color schemes and layouts for each). We wanted to take a moment today to showcase a bunch of new forms.

See the Forms

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing Associate

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