Split Testing Subject Lines and an Email Marketing Meetup

Published: Tue, 08/23/11

And how to get a swipe file started.
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  Why Should You Split Test Email Subject Lines?

Did you know split testing is actually part of everyday life?

It can happen when you try on different outfits, or if you try a different ingredient in your recipe. Split testing is all about testing different options to find what works the best.

Just like you don’t want to wear the suit that everyone thinks is ugly, you don’t want to send an email newsletter with a subject that doesn’t sound appealing.

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  Join Us at the Greater Philly Email Marketers Meetup!

Recently, I set up a Meetup group for business owners and marketers in the Philadelphia area who are interested in getting together and talking email marketing. Our first Meetup is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14th.

I’m going to give a brief talk and then we’ll all share thoughts and questions about list-building, welcome emails and whatever other email marketing topics are on everyone’s mind. Oh, and did I mention that all of this takes place over pizza and soda provided by AWeber?

Get the Details & RSVP

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  Your Best Source For Email Marketing Brilliance

All the best copywriters look at what other writers and marketers have done well and swipe their ideas for future inspiration. They save ad copy and headlines that work to adapt them later for their own projects. It’s called a swipe file, and you can build one with your own brilliant ideas from your email marketing campaign.

Filling a swipe file with your best emails can give you an ego boost, but even more than that it provides a well of inspiration to draw from flowing with successful subject lines, content and calls to action that have resonated with your own subscribers.

How To Get Started

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  Justin Premick
  Director of Education Marketing

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