How Much Should You Ask On A Web Form? What Will Your Audience Repond To?

Published: Tue, 09/13/11

Two posts to whip your web forms into shape!
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  Should Your Sign Up Form Ask For More Than Name and Email?

Your web form needs to convince visitors to your website to sign up to your mailing list. Should you take the opportunity to get to know them more by asking them more questions, or will having a lot of fields to fill out just scare subscribers away?

Everyone has different opinions, sometimes even the people you work with. I can see the advantages of asking for more information, while my co-worker Nick tends to focus on the disadvantages. There was only one way to settle this: bring our debate to the blog!

Read Our Conclusions Here!

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  Finding the Best Email Sign Up Form for Your Audience

How do you know you have the best web form for your email marketing campaign?

Testing will let you know for sure and give you a better idea of what your subscribers want.

One of our customers in the sports car business set up a web form split test that would give him a better idea of his audience. We'll talk about what he learned from the split test, and how you can set up a split test to find out what works for your audience!

Find The Results Here!

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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