Marketing to the Millennial Generation

Published: Tue, 09/20/11

Plus how you can build your list on Tumblr.
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  Marketing to the Millennial Generation

"Email, like many forms of communication, is dying out."

So state 41% of teens and college students who submitted essays for the AWeber Email Marketing Scholarship. The percentage of Millennials who believe email is on the decline cite social networks like Facebook and Twitter as the new, cool way to communicate.

What does this mean for your marketing efforts? Is email dead to Generation Y? Will social media murder your campaign?

Find Out Now

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  Build Your List On Tumblr

Tumblr has great potential for building your email list. Its method of microblogging makes content sharing easy. Posts are designed for quick consumption, and the more consumable your content, the more followers will want to connect with you.

You can make yourself an authority as you control your message online. And fans don't mind hearing from authoritative sources in their inboxes.

How To Build Your List On Tumblr

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing Associate

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