Need an AWeber Contractor? Try Our oDesk Group

Published: Tue, 09/27/11

Plus 7 Email Lessons From Marketing Pros!
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  Need an AWeber Contractor? Try Our oDesk Group

Would you like to hire a freelancer to take on some of your email marketing tasks?

People often ask us about a "full service" version of AWeber. While that's not something we offer, plenty of people out there know AWeber pretty well, and are willing to take on some or all of the email marketing tasks you might want to offload to someone else.

Our oDesk group can help you find the contractor you're looking for!

Learn More About The Service Here

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  7 Lessons from Social Media and Inbound Marketing All-Stars

Our Business Developer, Hunter, guest blogged some of the key takeaways from Inbound Marketing Summit 2011 for our friends at Marketing Pilgrim.

Now he has more insights to share with the blog audience: Where does email fit in? What steps can small businesses take to enhance their marketing right now? What's not working and what should be avoided?

Find out what he gleaned from the marketing pros!

Learn More From The Pros

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  Justin Premick
  Director of Education Marketing

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