Facebook's Subscribe Button: What's To Like?

Published: Tue, 10/04/11

Also, are you using images effectively?
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  Facebook's Subscribe Button: What's To Like?

Facebook's new features just won't stop coming. Just before revamping the news feeds of users everywhere, Facebook introduced a new way to share: a subscription feature for personal profiles.

What does the Subscribe button do? Think of it like Twitter, only on Facebook. When you post a public update, it goes out to the news feeds of all your subscribers, sending your message to a wider audience. How will this affect your email marketing efforts?

What This Means For You

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  Are You Using Images Effectively?

Email Marketing Reports describes how image-heavy emails can outperform the alternatives in the right circumstances and with the right execution. This may not sound surprising, but the key phrase here is "in the right circumstances and with the right execution."

We looked at a number of customers who were using images in a really smart way, and thought we'd take a moment to share these examples with you.

See the Examples

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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