New WordPress App: Build Your List from Comments

Published: Thu, 11/03/11

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  WordPress: Build Your List from Comments

A while back, we announced the AWeber Web Form Plugin for WordPress. Today, the widget is getting a few new features.

Specifically, it now has the ability to allow subscribers to sign up to your list when they leave a comment on your blog or register there - without having to fill out a separate web form.

In addition, the plugin now comes with a dashboard pane, giving you access to information about how well it is working for you.

Learn More About the New Features!

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  Daily Email Campaigns (That Don’t Rely On Deals)

Most daily deal email subscribers open their messages at least once a day. Most are also excited to see the newest deal in their inbox. You can capture the spirit of the daily deal frenzy by serving up a different mix of content.

That’s what Daily Kibble – an online pet store in disguise – does with its daily emails for pet owners. Learn more from their email marketing campaign (and a few others, too!) to see what kind of daily content you can use to keep your subscribers engaged.

New Tricks For Your Daily Campaign

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  Justin Premick
  Director of Education Marketing

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