Is Your Brick-and-Mortar Business Ready for Small Business Saturday?

Published: Tue, 11/22/11

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  Is Your Business Ready for Small Business Saturday?

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, families will be gathering with loved ones to remember what's truly important in life. But the day after, for many, is all about shopping as the holiday retail season propels into high gear.

Countless news reports have detailed the frenzy and hubbub on Black Friday, when shoppers lace up their sneakers to face the crowds. A new movement has even developed, encouraging Americans to shop at small, independent businesses.

What You Should Do

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  Be The Author of Email Delivery

Email marketers are the authors of a very particular story: the story of their email's deliverability. ISPs, spam filters and your subscribers themselves all stand between your email and the inbox. The decisions you make will determine whether your email prevails against its obstacles or meets its untimely demise in spam folder limbo.

To help you practice making the right decisions, we're going to walk through a little exercise.

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  Support Hours: Thanksgiving 2011

This Thursday, November 24, we at AWeber will be thankful to spend time with our families and our turkeys in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. The AWeber software is still coming to work though, and we'll be keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't try to take the day off, too.

We'll be back in the office at 8:00AM on Friday, November 25, so if you have any questions on Thursday email us and we'll get back to you then.

  Happy Thanksgiving,
  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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