Customer Spotlight - SEER Interactive

Published: Tue, 11/29/11

Learn how SEER Interactive uses AWeber
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  Interview: How SEER Markets with Email

A little while back we interviewed an AWesome customer of ours, Keith at the Wine School of Philadelphia, to spotlight his business and talk about how he uses AWeber.

Well, it didn’t take us long to find another AWesome customer to spotlight — SEER Interactive.

How SEER’s Adam And Mark Use AWeber

SEER Interactive is a Philadelphia-based company that helps their clients optimize their websites for better search results. They use AWeber to connect subscribers to their blog and send out their newsletter.

But I won’t spoil too much; for more check out our interview with Adam and Mark below!

If you’d like to hear more about SEO and what SEER is all about, check out the extended version of the interview here.

Do You Have Any Stories You’d Like To Share?

Do you have any cool stories that you’d like to share about your business in email? Tell us about it. Who knows, you could be the next one featured as an AWeber’s Customer Spotlight!

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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