Facebook Gets Personal (And So Should Your Email Campaign!)

Published: Thu, 12/01/11

Plus find out how schools use email marketing!
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  Facebook Gets Personal (And So Should Your Email Campaign!)

Your customers already spend a lot of time on personalized social networking sites. And people trust recommendations from people over brands. What does this mean for your marketing? Well, the more personal you can make your brand, the better your email marketing campaign will resonate with your subscribers.

Personality is important, especially with the rise of mailbox filters and Hotmail's new features that separate "graymail" from personal mail. How can you make the connection for subscribers to prioritize your messages?

We Have Two Ways To Get Personal

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  Education in Email: Learn From These Schools’ Emails

Maybe marketing and schools don’t appear to go hand in hand like some other businesses, but they actually do, especially colleges and private schools. How else do these schools get your business?

As is their nature, schools have a thing or two to teach us, but this time it’s about effective marketing strategies. Don’t take our word for it? Check out these AWeber customers.

Discover How Schools Use Email Marketing!

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing Associate

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