Got Content? Great, Now Let's Grow Your Email ROI...

Published: Tue, 12/13/11

Special Report: Five Steps to Stronger Email Relationships.
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  Got Content? Great, Now Let's Grow Your Email ROI...

Small- and midsized-business marketers recognize the importance of helping prospects solve problems. And they know that quality content leads to more sales.

But when you’re wearing a half-dozen hats, as many SMB execs and marketers do, disseminating that content can be as challenging as developing it.

Fortunately, more marketers are rising to the occasion, according to a recent MarketingSherpa survey of more than 2,700 email marketers.

When asked about their top email marketing priorities for 2012, “delivering highly relevant content” ranked first among large and mid-sized companies (70% and 62% respectively), and second among small businesses (71%), surpassed only by “growing and retaining subscribers” – which, of course, also largely depends content. This is great news, because it suggests email will continue to improve in 2012.

The trick is, how do we keep making those content-driven email relationships better and more profitable for all involved, marketers and customers alike?

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  Hunter Boyle
  Business Development

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