Email Marketers, Here's What to Watch For in 2012

Published: Tue, 01/03/12

And a quick look at what was learned
in 2011.
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  Email Marketers, Here's What to Watch For in 2012

While you're pushing forward with your head down, trying to build and market your business, time is flying. Things are changing.

What worked last year may not work this year. So what better way to find out how to move forward than asking experts in the email marketing community?

Every year, they provide solid advice on where the market's heading, how to tie email with social marketing and what constitutes value to today's consumers.

Find Out What They Recommend

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  2011 Throwback: Top Blog Posts and Guest Posts

While we're making plans for the new year, let's not forgot what we learned in 2011!

2011 was a big year for social media (big changes to Facebook and the introduction of Google Plus), integrations (like our PayPal app and Facebook Connect), and discussing the future of email.

Let's take a look back at some of our top posts from this year.

Check Out the Best Posts

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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