The Email Subscribers You Don't Want

Published: Thu, 01/05/12

Plus a free downloadable 2012 marketing calendar!
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  The Email Subscribers You Don't Want

Did you know that zombie email addresses might be sucking the life out of your email deliverabilty rate?

These zombies are throwaway email addresses that can then end up on your list and prevent your emails from getting to the real subscribers.

Sounds a lot like a formula for horror movie, doesn't it? We're here to help you realize what's happening to your list, who's at risk and what you can do to keep your delivery rate alive.

Keep Your Campaign Alive!

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  Plan Broadcasts With The Free Email Marketing Calendar

Holidays present the perfect email marketing opportunity - from Christmas to New Year's to Ask a Stupid Question Day. But everyone needs reminders for when to plan their holiday promotions.

That's why we compiled an email marketing holiday calendar for businesses and marketers everywhere to use.

You can add this to your own Google Calendar or download it to your computer so you're always aware of what's coming up.

Check Out The Calendar Here

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing Associate

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