Going From a Local Startup to a National Audience

Published: Tue, 04/17/12

And check out the new template
manager for broadcasts
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  From Local Start-up to National Sensation

Helping small businesses grow is our mission. We strive to provide the right tools for people to be able to successfully market their business online. So we love it when we hear about customer successes.

Take Dustin Maher, for example. He started his fitness business in Madison, Wisconsin and is now known on a national level.

I talked to Dustin about the steps he took to get to where he is today, and asked for his advice for other businesses...

Get His Advice

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  Create Your Own Gallery of Custom Email Templates

As you're probably aware, we're beta testing a new message editor for broadcast messages. It makes building your emails a lot easier by giving you an intuitive, drag and drop interface.

This week, we wanted to draw some attention to the template manager included with the message editor beta - it vastly expands your options for creating campaigns.

Check it Out

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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