7 Marketing Steps from Laura Betterly

Published: Tue, 05/01/12

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7 Marketing Steps From Laura Betterly

As a business owner, or someone about to launch a business, you're pretty busy. You may not have the time to check and make sure you're doing everything you can to successfully promote and sell. And that's why we want to help. Fortunately, there are a lot of other people that want to help as well.

Laura Betterly has made a career of helping business grow. She knows her stuff too; she was one of the first to use online technology for marketing. While she jokes that this makes her a dinosaur, in reality it means that she's been around to see what works, what doesn't and what businesses need to know.

I recently interviewed Laura and got the scoop on what steps business owners need to take with their marketing efforts.

Check it out here

CONCERNing Email - 3 Steps for Better Content

"Content is certainly the name of the game in digital marketing today," states Alisa Leonard of iCrossing on ClickZ . But where do you get ideas for good content? How do you determine what's worth sharing?

Such is the question that Rachel Acquaviva, Office Supervisor of CONCERN - Southeast Region faced when launching the email marketing campaign for the non-profit company last year. CONCERN is an agency that provides foster care to children; they use email marketing to raise funds, recruit volunteers and find great foster parents.

Here are the steps CONCERN took to develop a content plan for their emails, and how you can apply these steps to your own campaign.

Find out the steps


Crystal Gouldey
Education Marketing

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