How to Grow Your Business With Whitelisting and Mocializing

Published: Thu, 05/03/12

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4 Tips to Mocialize Your Email Campaign
4 Tips to Mocialize Your Email Campaign

It's 2012, email marketers, so time to get "mocial!" That hybrid between social and mobile marketing is becoming more than a buzz word these days. Top Internet marketers advise others to focus on integrating social media and email, get mobile friendly and, of course, continue to provide stellar content.

So, how do you plan to make your email marketing "mocial"-worthy?

Kipp Bodnar, Inbound Marketing Strategist at HubSpot and co-author of The B2B Social Media Book, has some tips on what steps you can take for your campaign.

Get Whitelisted and Grow Your Business
The Easiest Way To Get Whitelisted And Grow Your Business At The Same Time

Often you'll ask subscribers to whitelist your email address so your valuable messages do not end up filtered. This takes a bit of work and know-how though, so you will only get a small number of subscribers who will do this for you.

Here's a method that helps you effortlessly get whitelisted while increasing your value to subscribers at the same time: ask your subscribers to reply to you.

In many email clients and services, replying adds the recipient to the person's contacts list or whitelist. If someone replies to you, then your emails will get to their inbox right away (content factors aside). But how do you get readers to reply?

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P. S. To officially kick off the AWeber Google+ page, our CEO Tom Kulzer will be answering questions there on email marketing next Tuesday, May 8 from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET. At the appointed time, join us here, add us to a circle and ask your questions!