Add Your Shopify Customers to AWeber

Published: Thu, 05/10/12

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Add Your Shopify Customers to AWeber
Add Your Shopify Customers to AWeber
Since it's easier to get a repeat customer than obtain a new customer, it only makes since to follow up with your customers after they purchase from you.

For the thousands of businesses using Shopify, building stronger relationships with your customers is now easier than ever.

Creating Emails People Want to Open
Creating Emails People Want to Open

Even though I spend my days discussing various aspects of email campaigns, I still end up deleting most of the emails I'm subscribed to without even opening them. But a few stand out from the crowd.

Here are three of my favorite campaigns, with a look at why they work so well and how you can translate their techniques into your own campaign.

AWeber Blog
Rebekah Henson
Education Marketing

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