Are You Marketing By Psychographics?

Published: Tue, 05/15/12

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  Are You Marketing By Psychographics?

Breaking your list into segments helps you deliver what each reader is looking for. But have you ever considered segmenting according to psychographics instead?

Read More About Why Psychographics Matter

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  Customer Spotlight - Fork Restaurant

We interviewed Ellen Yin, owner of Fork Restaurant in Philly, to learn more about why they use an email campaign, how they use it and how it has affected their business.

Read More About How Fork Uses Email Marketing

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  Webinar Wednesday: Double Your Opt-In Rate

AWeber's Hunter Boyle and Firepole Marketing's Danny Iny will discuss "Improving Opt-In Rates: More Subscribers and Better Engagement" in a live webinar this Wednesday, May 16th.

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing

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