Grow Your List & Save Some Time: A Tale of Two Customers

Published: Thu, 05/24/12

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How to Find 697 Email Subscribers The First Year
How to Find 697 Email Subscribers The First Year

Tim Brennan, who runs the Tactics Time chess tactics email newsletter, started his list exactly one year ago. When his first email went out, he only had three subscribers. Today, he's grown his list to 697 subscribers.

Tim shares seven tips that helped his list grow so quickly, which you can apply to your own campaign too! No matter how big or small your list is, learn from this cool customer's success for your own list building tactics.

Read Tim's List Building Advice Here!

How to Market a Deli: A Slice a Day
How to Market a Deli: A Slice a Day

Can you market your business in one minute a day? Bill Pavlou, owner of Super Duper Deli, can!

Bill's story includes three time-saving tips for collecting subscribers, creating content and scheduling messages in advance, giving him more time to focus on his business instead of stressing over time constraints. Soon, you can be marketing in minutes a day, too!

Read More About Bill's Time Saving Tactics

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