AWeber and Marketing Pilgrim Launch New Email Marketing Channel

Published: Thu, 06/07/12

And making use of curated content
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  AWeber and Marketing Pilgrim's New Email Marketing Channel

We're thrilled to announce that AWeber has teamed up with Marketing Pilgrim to launch their new Email Marketing Channel.

At the new Email Marketing Channel, marketers will find even more resources, guidance, research, strategies and news about email and related marketing topics. So now you'll have a new place that combines the freshest industry news and insights with hands-on tactics, tools and practical tips.

Let us know what you think and what you'd like to see there!

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  Curated Email Campaigns That Entice Subscribers

Don't let your campaign sound like a self-interested bore. Charm your subscribers with something unexpected: curated content in their inbox, hand-picked and recommended by you.

The best part? You're probably already curating content on your blog and social networks. Sharing your top links in your email campaign can make you a valuable resource for entertaining and informative content. The result? More loyal subscribers.

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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