Need Whitelisting Instructions For Your Subscribers?

Published: Tue, 06/12/12

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  Whitelisting Instructions You Can Link To!

Gmail has the Priority Inbox. Yahoo uses special filters. And Hotmail has filters and features that help its customers manage "graymail" - opt-in marketing emails and newsletters that fill up customers' inboxes. With filters everywhere, how can you make sure your emails reach your customers' inboxes?

If you're not whitelisted in your subscribers' address books or safe senders lists, you'll probably end up in their spam folders every so often or trapped in their filters. But what if your subscribers don't know how to whitelist you in their email client?

Well, actually, we made you a page of instructions you can link to right from your emails!

Get the link here.

  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing Associate

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