Email vs Mobile Marketing: Which One Fits Your Message?

Published: Tue, 06/19/12

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  Email vs Mobile Marketing: Which One Fits Your Message?

How should your business connect with customers - through a mobile marketing or an email campaign?

Much like the case of email marketing vs. social media, email vs. mobile doesn't have to be an either-or discussion. There are definitely clear advantages to both depending on your message and the goal of your campaign.

Here are some ways to make both email and mobile marketing work for your business.

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  How To SHOW Them You're a Business They Can Count On

If your business can be counted on, if your customers get what they've come to you for, every time, then this is a big selling point.

Guarantees, warranties and testimonials are all ways to show how reliable you are. These, you should have.

But you've heard the term, "show, not tell." You can actually demonstrate your reliability with the way you send your marketing emails.

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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