541% More Opens With This Strategy

Published: Thu, 06/21/12

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  The Subject Line Strategy That Gets 541% More Response

The original title of this post was going to be Turns Out This Particular Post Title Sucks. Turns out, that particular post title would have sucked.

See, as good marketers do, we recently sat down to analyze how well our approach has been doing - meaning, how well you guys like our posts.

The first thing we found was that you guys do like them - all your comments, tweets and the like made us feel pretty appreciated. So thanks for them, and we appreciate you back.

The other thing we found was a trend regarding post titles, which often become our email subject lines.

It surprised us, especially me, because my favorite way to write subject lines is apparently not what you guys find appealing and want to click through to read.

It's Something Else Entirely

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  Join the Battle for Small Businesses

We just want to say that we appreciate your interest in marketing. We fight to help small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed, and we're glad you're one of them.

We're currently in the running to win the Social Madness contest, which will give us exposure to reach even more businesses who need our help.

We need you, please, to cast your vote. (Just takes a click.) And to thank you, when you vote you'll be entered into a drawing to win AWeber swag - a T-shirt, hat and socks - so you'll be just as stylin' as your emails.

You Can Vote Here, And Thank You

  Amanda Gagnon
  Education Marketing

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