The Secret to Less Unsubscribing and More Engagement

Published: Thu, 06/28/12

And find out what Iron Man can teach you about open rates.
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  The Secret to Less Unsubscribing and More Engagement

Every day, we strive to provide both an email marketing service and content that can help small business owners thrive. Part of what we do involves connecting with others who also help small businesses and finding out what our subscribers and customers can learn from them.

Tamara Campbell of Xplore Communications happens to be an AWeber customer AND someone who helps small businesses.

Her email campaign, Hudson Pulse, consistently sees good open rates and months can go by before someone clicks that unsubscribe link. So what's the deal? Consistency. We took a look at how she does it and what small business marketing strategies she's learned.

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  What Iron Man Can Teach You About Great Open Rates

Today's post is by Matthew Setter of Very Web Written.

What is it that makes people want to read what we write? Well, there are a lot of theories and much conjecture, but I believe it's this: being bold! And how are we bold? We're bold by emulating Iron Man.

Unless you've been living under a rock in the last year or two, you'll have heard about the new Iron Man movies. When Captain America asks, "Big man in a suit of armor, take that off; what are you?", Iron Man's alter ego, Tony Stark, replies, "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

Some might see that response as arrogant, narcissistic or hubristic. I disagree. When you want people to notice your product or read about your service, you need to be bold.

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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