Zap An App: Create Your Own App In Under 3 Seconds

Published: Thu, 07/12/12

Plus the new Call Loop integration
and some email confessions.
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  Zap an App: Create Your Own App in Under 3 Seconds

Usually, apps take developers days, weeks, sometimes months to build. Which means usually, if you want to bring subscribers from another service into AWeber (or vise versa), you have to either hire your own developer or hope the app gets created by someone else.

But with the new, you can now invite subscribers to different services yourself - and easily, at that. And they are a number of ways to use it with your email campaign.

I Want Custom Apps!

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  Mobile Marketing Just Got Easier: AWeber + Call Loop Team Up

Mobile marketing used to intimidate small businesses. Too expensive. Too technical. Too invasive for customers. Sound familiar?

Integrating mobile into your marketing plan may not work for every organization, but today the barriers to entry are very low, and smartphone usage is skyrocketing.

So now's the time to at least test a mobile strategy. Let's face it, even if your customers aren't ready for it yet, the experience will prove invaluable later - perhaps sooner than you think. And why wouldn't you want to try it before your competitors?

Find Out More

(To make it even easier, we'll walk you through the getting-started process. Join us for a "Getting Started With Call Loop & AWeber" webinar on Wednesday, July 18 at 2:00 p.m. EDT.)

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  Are You Ready For Another Friday the 13th?

The occasional bad luck happens to all of us - and it can even affect your marketing. Luckily, there are things you can do to keep it at bay. Take a look at the mistakes these marketers made to see what to avoid.

It's The Little Things Batch-and-Blast Disaster The Oops! Email

  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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