Enter To Win The Email Marketing Summer Games!

Published: Thu, 07/19/12

Enter to win.
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You Are Officially Invited To Compete

In the spirit of the 2012 Olympic Games, we are pleased to announce the commencement of the first-ever Email Marketing Summer Games!

For today's email, Jay will demonstrate how a marketer creates a kick-ass email worthy of the Summer Games. First, Jay warms up.

Then, Jay chins up.

Jay gets his heart rate up.

Jay strengthens his core.

Jay optimizes his fine motor skills.

Then Jay logs into his laptop and really gets down to work.

And since Jay's campaign is in such good shape, when he enters the Games, he wins a gold medal, free AWeber service, hot new marketing books and other fun prizes.

(Watch the video here.)

  Think Your Emails Have What It Takes?

You can enter here - save the page to your bookmarks if you still need time to gather materials! Also, feel free to share it with any marketers you consider worthy opponents.

Then mark your calendar! After all entries are reviewed (by a panel of experienced email marketers), on Friday, July 27, voting will begin in all four categories. You'll want to invite your fans and followers to this same page vote for you!

Winners will be notified by email and announced on the AWeber blog on the day of the official Olympics Closing Ceremony, August 12.

We can't wait to see what you've got!

Enter to Win

Spread the word:

  Amanda Gagnon
  Sr. Education Marketing Associate

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