More Marketing Email Patterns: Stair-Stepping and The Single Focus

Published: Tue, 07/24/12

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  Marketing Email Pattern #2: Stair-Stepping

"Come talk a walk with me. See the sights there are to see. We'll start with the most interesting and then, if you have time, I have more to show you."

That's what your stair-stepping email says. In terms of marketing to busy subscribers, it's a winner.

This template gets your most vital content across to the biggest audience possible, and invite those with a bit more time to explore all you have to offer.

Read More and Try It Out Yourself!

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  Marketing Email Pattern #3: The Single Focus

In marketing, there's a continual, never-ceasing fight to be visible. To catch attention, hold it, and draw prospects in.

When marketing with email, you need to stand out. And when it comes to standing out, presentation is everything. So let's talk about the presentation of your content.

We've talked about the pick-and-choose pattern, and there are definitely times and places to use it. Other times, however, you may want to use something else...

See The Single Focus Template

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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