Here's How 4 Businesses Find Out What Their Email Subscribers Want

Published: Tue, 07/31/12

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  How 4 Companies Find Out What Their Email Subscribers Want

Your readers have information that you need. Namely, they know what they want.

Since the goal of content marketing is to give people what they want in order to keep them coming back for more, you need to know what that is.

The easiest way to find out is to send a survey to your email subscribers. Sending the survey is simple (here's how). Getting subscribers to answer takes a bit of strategy, though.

So here we present four companies' email survey strategies. 

Take a Look

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If you're looking for more than survey strategies - perhaps you want to see examples of subject lines or savvy design? - we have 12 top marketing examples in the running to win the Email Marketing Summer Games.

While you're there, cast your votes to let us know which you think is best!

Check Them Out and Vote!

  Amanda Gagnon
  Sr. Education Marketing Associate

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