Email and Video: A Dynamic Duo for Blockbuster List Growth

Published: Thu, 08/02/12

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  Email + Video: A Dynamic Duo for Blockbuster List Growth

Online video is one of the hottest channels for small business marketers today. Cost of entry is minimal. Traffic and viewership are booming with smartphones and tablets, driven by social media and email sharing.

The nagging question? Conversion.

How do you stay connected with viewers -- and get them to opt in -- once the clip ends?

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  How To Keep Your Online Business Newsworthy

Online businesses rely heavily on email marketing to keep customers thinking about them. Since they're not driving by your store, the only contact they have with you is online. You have to keep them interested; your content has to be newsworthy.

John Frenaye, owner and manager of Eye on Annapolis, knows how this is. He's able to draw an income thanks to his newsworthy stories: he covers timely, significant and locally-based news. Let's take a look at what he's doing and how you can adopt this for your online business plan...

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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P.S. If you haven't already, check out the finalists for the first Email Marketing Summer Games and cast your vote for the winner!

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